[comp.sys.ibm.pc] DECNET info requested

dano@ssc-vax.UUCP (Dan Olson) (03/29/88)

Some questions:

  1) Who sells ethernet boards for PC's?

  2) Who provides DECNET s/w for PC's?

I know that DEC sells both, but I want to know what else
is out there.  What are my choices?

Also, can anybody tell me about TANDON's AD-PAC drisk drives?
I understand they may be available in May (right! sure!).  I've
called TANDON twice for info to be mailed to me, but have seen
nothing yet.

Please e-mail responses.  I'll summarize if anybody shows similar

Dan Olson

cig@genrad.UUCP (Charles I. Ganimian Jr.) (03/31/88)

In article <1808@ssc-vax.UUCP> dano@ssc-vax.UUCP (Dan Olson) writes:
>Some questions:
>  1) Who sells ethernet boards for PC's?
>Dan Olson

Please post summary...

Also, if anyone has info about the use of such boards with Novell NetWare
I would be interested, we are looking for CHEAP ethernet boards for the PC.


					charlie g.