[comp.sys.ibm.pc] kermit help

cs2531ci@charon.unm.edu (Brian Bowers) (04/10/88)

Sorry to take up net bandwidth posting this, but mail
has just bounced my letter for about the eighth time.


To: crouch%btnix%ukc%mcvax%ames@rutgers
Subject: Re: kermit
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc,comp.unix.questions
In-Reply-To: <715@btnix.UUCP>
Organization: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

In article <715@btnix.UUCP> you write:
>I'm trying to transfer binary files from a vax running unix to an IBM PC
>lookalike using kermit (C-KERMIT 4.2(030) at the unix end, MSKERMIT 2.29 at the
>IBM end). At the unix end I type set file type binary, and server. At the IBM
>end I type get filename. Kermit seems to manage the first 2 packets but then
>keeps retrying until it gives up. I've tried altering things like packet size
>and end of line character, but this hasn't helped.
>If anyone has successfully transferred binary files from unix to msdos using
>kermit, could they please mail me with the settings they used.
>		Chris Rouch

Below is the kermit.quick file that is available here at UNM.
It contains some interesting info, and may be of some use.
I will append some information from my own kermit experience
at the end, in the hope that it will assist you further.

############### Begin kermit.quick ####################

        set parity even 

on BOTH kermits if your system requires that kind of communication setup.

Also, you may need to set the baud accordingly, ie. if your pc communicates
with your sun at 9600 then give the command

        set baud 9600

on Kermit-MS.

You can check your parameters on Kermit-MS with the command


    To transfer files from UNIX to the pc:

            prompt:                   type:
            -------                   -----

            Kermit-MS>                connect       (*connect to host *)

            SUN UNIX version...
            login:                    (* connect and login here *)

            %                         kermit

            C-Kermit>                 send file  (* to send a file *)

                                      send *.*   (* to send all the files in
                                                   the current directory  *)

                                      ctrl-] c   (* return to the pc *)

                (* put target disk in drive A *)

            Kermit-MS>                receive    (* be patient here*)

                                         (* screen should display
                                            particulars of transmission,
                                            and then the message 
                                                 'COMPLETED'            *)

            Kermit-MS>                connect  (* connect to the host *)

            C-Kermit>                 quit

            %                         (* continue with UNIX session *)

###################### End kermit.quick #############################

All right.  I'm assuming that you've read the above kermit.quick.

From my experience, binaries are very easily transferred.  You
merely follow the above procedure, with a few additions:

Kermit-MS>set send packet 24
Kermit-MS>set receive packet 24

(* now connect to unix *)

C-Kermit>set send packet 24
C-Kermit>set receive packet 24
C-Kermit>set file type binary
C-Kermit>send [file name]

(* toggle back to pc *)


Despite what kermit.quick says, I have always had to put the target
disk in drive B.  This is a parameter you can change, and, will show
up when you do a status command.  Be sure to check where the target
info is going (obviously :-)

That is all I have had to do.  I have transferred several dozen
files using the above parameters without problem (well, only one
problem.  Names that are too long for msdos to handle will be
truncated so to fit).

Hope this helps.

|          From the slightly demented (and somewhat backward) mind of         |
|                               Brian Bowers                                  |
|            cs2531ci@charon.unm.edu | ames!hc!hi!charon!cs2531ci             |
|                   <Insert you favorite disclaimer here>                     |

|          From the slightly demented (and somewhat backward) mind of         |
|                               Brian Bowers                                  |
|            cs2531ci@charon.unm.edu | ames!hc!hi!charon!cs2531ci             |
|                   <Insert you favorite disclaimer here>                     |