(Michael Mascagni) (04/08/88)
I am considering buying an AT clone made by NCR, the PC-8. Two questions to you clonaphiles: 1. This clone comes with a 640x400 color monitor, Class 3295 Model 0210. The adapter card runs in GSS, an NCR graphics standard, and a CGA mode using a double scan. Do you know if one can run EGA or AT&T type graphics with this monitor, and if so, what adapter card requirements/software requirements are there? 2. Is the PC-8 a good AT clone in the sense of compatibility? Any problems with certain software, addin boards? Thanks, Michael Mascagni, NIH or
johnson@c10sd1.StPaul.NCR.COM (Wayne D. T. Johnson) (04/16/88)
In article <> mascagni@fcs280s.UUCP (Michael Mascagni) writes: >I am considering buying an AT clone made by NCR, the PC-8. Two questions >to you clonaphiles: > >1. This clone comes with a 640x400 color monitor, Class 3295 Model 0210. The > adapter card runs in GSS, an NCR graphics standard, and a CGA mode using > a double scan. Do you know if one can run EGA or AT&T type graphics with > this monitor, and if so, what adapter card requirements/software > requirements are there? >2. Is the PC-8 a good AT clone in the sense of compatibility? Any problems > with certain software, addin boards? > First off, I must state that my division of NCR has no direct connection to the NCR division that makes the NCR PCs, so I have nothing to gain or loss by these comments. In general, the PC-8 (and we have used several, as well as other brands like this (yuck) AT&T 6300 that i'm now using) is very compatible with the IBM. (with the exception of BASIC/ROM differences which are common to all clones and is corrected by running gwbasic instead of IBMs). We have used several (other vendor) products that are supposidly very pickky, including multi-link, with no problems. HOWEVER, the "high resolution" graphics IS NOT compatible with EGA programs, In my opinion you would be better off to get an EGA+ or other simular graphics card. Comming soon is the new NCR PC-810, a cheaper, more reliable, and EGA compatible version. -- Wayne Johnson (voice) 612-638-7665 NCR Comten, Inc. (internet) johnson@ncrcce.StPaul.NCR.COM or Roseville MN 55113 johnson@c10sd1.StPaul.NCR.COM The comments stated here do not reflect the policy of NCR Comten.