leefi@microsoft.UUCP (Lee Fisher) (04/18/88)
Here's a message I'm relaying from Ross Greenberg, author of that FLUSHOT program (who doesn't have direct usenet access). -Lee {uw-beaver,uunet}microsof!leefi Disclaimer: My opinions are my own, not those of my employer. From Ross Greenberg: "There has been some recent discussion regarding what operations set off FLUSHOT3 when it advises you of a write to COMMAND.COM or the other system files. FLUSHOT3 intercepts and open of the COMMAND.COM file which allows for "write" access. It allows you to deny that access if you so wish to. Some programmers (including me) opt to open files from time to time in what I'll call 'lazy' mode: open it with write access requested, even if you don't intend to write to the file. FLUSHOT3 is triggered by a program such as this. Although I've not used FILETEST or other programs which cause this problem to occur, this is a pretty good guess of what's happening. Standard caveat here: since I've not used the code myself, I can't guarantee that I'm not wrong.... If someone would be so kind as to arrange for me to get a copy of the program, I can tell you exactly what is happening (thank goodness for Periscope!) On the brighter side of things, I expect to be releasing the next version of FLUSHOT later this week [I think it was sent out a few days ago. -Lee]. All registered users will get their copy in the mail, and it'll be posted to as many BBS's as possible. I'll also be shipping a copy to Keith Peterson [Hi Keith!], and he'll hopefully be able to post it as soon as possible. Until I actually release it, I'll be keeping the name confidential: I don't want another crisis like the FLUSHOT4 one. Finally, I'm working on a hardware board which is far more reliable than *any* software product could be. The new version is *much* better than the last, and (of course!) the CMOS bug has been fixed..." Ross M. Greenberg RamNet BBS: (212)-889-6438 BIX & MCI: 'greenber', CIS:72241,36