[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Naive segmentation hel[lp] - Large data models in Turbo C

rds95@leah.Albany.Edu (Robert Seals) (04/21/88)

After programming PCs for about 5 years, I've finally had to deal
with the segmented architecture of the `86 family. I knew it
would happen eventually.
Easy question: what changes need to be made to a given program to
make it function the same in the COMPACT model as the SMALL model
in Turbo C?
In particular, after recompiling with compact, programs run up to the
first I/O (stream-based, fread or fgets), then hang. WHY?!?!

PLEASE do not followup to the group, as it would only create
infinite followups, etc, and face it, your ego doesn't need
THAT much of a boost... So just send me a note, eh?
