[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Wanted: On-line help system

woo@pioneer.arpa (Alex Woo) (05/01/88)

I seem to recall an MS-DOS help facility which was distributed
just after the original posting of GNUPLOT.  Can someone send
me a copy of that system?  Actually I would prefer something
which would do something intelligent with GNU INFO files.
Running GNU EMACS on a PC is out of the question.  Will
micrognu work?  An alternative would be a port of the TOPS-20
XINFO program.

Thanks in advance.

Alex Woo, MS 227-2		|	woo@pioneer.arc.nasa.gov
NASA Ames Research Center	|	woo@ames-nas.arpa
Moffett Field, CA 94035		|	{seismo,topaz,lll-crg,ucbvax}! 
Phone: (415) 694-6010		|	ames!pioneer!woo