(Angus Wang) (05/03/88)
I am thinking about getting a 80287 coprocessor for my AT clone to do some graphics development. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what speed processor I should get and explain their reasoning. I have an AT clone that runs at 6/8/10 MHz. The 10 MHz speed has 1 wait state and we've all gon thru that discussion on the net before. However I was wondering if I should get a 80287-8 coprocessor and run my 80286 at 8HMz with 0 wait state, or could better speed be achieved with a 80287-10 while running my 80286 at 10 MHz with 1 wait state. Since I have > 1 meg RAM most, if not all my pixel info wil be in main/EMS memory so I/O should not place too much of a consideration. Please respond by e-mail, if enough info comes in and requesta are made I'll post a summary or forward. THANKS -- Dept of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706 UUCP : {ihnp4, decvax}!duke!aw CSNET: aw@duke ARPA :