[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Need MPU-401 Advice

domino@sunybcs.uucp (Michael Domino) (05/03/88)

Does anyone out there have any instructive example code to show the use of the
Roland MPU-401 MIDI interface?  I am starting a project with one and have
absolutely no experience with it.  Are there any books or articles anyone
could recommend?  Code in Pascal or C would be nice.

Michael Domino @ SUNY/Buffalo
internet: domino@cs.buffalo.edu
uucp:     ..!{rutgers,watmath,boulder,decvax}!sunybcs!domino
BITNET:   domino@sunybcs.BITNET       phone:    716-881-6420

tobias@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Jay Tobias) (05/04/88)

  You may want to contact the Center for Art and Technology at
Carnegie Mellon University.  Ask for the CMU MIDI Toolkit.
For $20, you get an MPU 401 driver and several application
programs compatible with the IBM PC.  
  The code is almost all in C with some assembler and was
written mostly by Roger Dannenberg.  It's good code, and it

  There may be other sources, but this is the cheapest and best
that I know of.

Jay Tobias