[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Video tape backup systems?

bobp@tekcae.TEK.COM (Robert N. Perry (Bob)) (05/10/88)

	Has anyone had experience with a tape backup device by Alpha Micro
Systems call the VideoTrax (or something like it) ? It's a device which
allows one to do backups to a VHS video recorder using all 7 (8?) tracks
for redundant recording.

1) How well does it work?

2) Is there software provided besides a driver for backing up?

3) Can FastBack work with it ?

4) Is it directory structured (so you can restore individual files) ?

5) How fast is its backup capability ?

6) Has anyone experienced any problems with it ?

7) Last price I heard for the digital to video board was $595. Is this 
	accurate ?

Robert N. Perry (Tex)  Tektronix  "Skydive for better health"  C-18807
"When I works, I works hard. When I sits, I sits easy. When I thinks, I goes
to sleep."