[comp.sys.ibm.pc] PC-FILE+ Merging Question

mike@dhw68k.cts.com (Michael J. Cleary) (05/11/88)

In response to your quiry about merging databases...      
There are many ways to address your situation.
I will relay the easiest two. 
If the new field is at the end of your record, a simple merge
of small db into large db will do.
If the new field is not at the end of your record, clone the small
db into the large format, and then merge the large db into the 
'cloned' db. 
Michael J. Cleary

olson@osiris.cso.uiuc.edu (05/13/88)

PC-File+ merge adds records to the end of the file, so merge is not
the answer.  However the newest version of PC-File+ has relational
capabilities - you may access data from more than one file.  I have
not tried to create a new file this way (getting fields from 2
files), but I have printed reports containing information from 2
files, so it should work.  I suggest the original poster contact
Buttonware for help.

mvolo@ecsvax.UUCP (Michael R. Volow) (05/18/88)

As the original poster of the merging-two-PCFile+-databases-side-by
side (whew!) question, we did contact Buttonware.  As you suggest, one
can pint a report containing field from twodatabases by relational
lookup.  But this is different than actually merging two databases
containing ifferent variables on the same individuals.  I hope 
Buttonware will offer this in the future.

Michael Volow, M.D.
Dept of Psychiatry, Durham VA Medical Center, Durham, N.C. 27705
919 286 0411                           mvolo@ecsvax.UUCP