[comp.sys.ibm.pc] External floppy drives?


Our department is considering the purchase of several PS/2 machines,
including model 50's and (probably) a couple of model 30's. We already
have quite a few XT and AT class machines.

My problem is this: I'm looking for an easy way to transfer files
between 5.25" and 3.25" floppies. For several reasons, I refuse to
consider buying that godawful 5.25" external drive that IBM sells.
First, the controller card occupies one of only 3 available slots
in the model 30. Also (I'm told), the computer will only recognize
the external drive as drive B:, requiring one of the internal drives
to be physically disconnected from its controller.

I also don't like the option of cabling my model 30 to an existing
XT and using a "Brooklyn Bridge" type program. While this is fine
for occasional use, I expect that it would get old real fast.

My questions are:

   1: Does anyone know of a company that makes _external_ 3.25"
      drives for the XT/AT?

   2: Does anyone know of a company that makes external 5.25"
      drives that can communicate with a model 30 through a
      communications port? (the inconvenience of unhooking
      modems, etc. would be more than offset by the capability
      to move the drive from one machine to another).

   3: Ditto question number 2, except for 3.25" drives that
      communicate with XT/AT machines through comm. ports.

   4: Finally, has a third party produced an external 5.25"
      drive for the model 30 which can be adressed as drive
      C: D: or E: (allowing the use of both internal floppies).

Any information would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone
has any more creative solutions to this problem, please advise!
(PSU people: don't suggest hiking to Pattee library or Findlay
lab every time I want to transfer a file: I don't need that much

                             Thanks in advance:



Jon Peters                               "Any opinions expressed
                                          or implied are solely
PNU@PSUVM.BITNET                          those of the author,
JAP@PSUARLC.BITNET                        who does not speak for
JAP@PSUECLA.BITNET                        ARL/PSU."

Research assistant,
The Applied Research Laboratory/PSU         (814) 865-4229
P.O. Box 30, State College PA   16804


In regard to question no. 1, IBM makes an external 3.5" drive for the XTs/ATs/
While I don't have any answers for your other questions, I will say this in
spite of your previous warning: why don't you make ONE trip to one of the
campus labs, transfer ALL of your 5.25" files to 3.5" format and be done with
!  BRIAN J. HOFFMAN  !        F-15      ! _ !    EAGLE               |
!  BJH@PSUVM.BITNET  !    ______________!/_\!______________          |
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