[net.general] political interests: note

sal@we53.UUCP ( S. A. Looper ) (01/29/85)

	Posting this for a friend...I make no endorsements!

	WHO:	anyone who either

		doesn't fit in the traditional liberal-
		conservative spectrum


		refuses to vote for the lesser
		of two evils

	WHAT:	public meeting of the
		Missouri Libertarian Party

	WHERE:	Community Credit Union in Creve Coeur, Missouri
		corner of Graezer & Olive,
		(on Olive between Lindbergh and I-270)

	WHEN:	Jan. 29, 1985
		7pm to 9pm

	for further info:
		days - Eric at 233-7820
		nights - 731-1034

**ihnp4!we53!sal		S. A. Looper
(Confidence - the secret to the First Gate of the Southern Oracle)