rjs@moss.ATT.COM (06/07/88)
A word of warning: the ATI EGAwonder interface card does not exactly clone one of the EGA graphics modes (or one of the CGA graphics modes apparently). I bought one of these cards last November for use in my AT clone. Up until April of this year I had no trouble with it and every program I tried seemed to work fine. Then in April I purchased a Logitech Hi-Rez mouse and a program called TurboCAD, neither of which worked with the EGAwonder card. A call to Logitech told me that I needed an upgrade to the BIOS chip for the card. I called ATI and received one. The mouse now seems to work, but there are some subtle problems with the display that may or may not foreshadow further incompatibilities. Milan Systems America (producers of TurboCAD) have not been able to identify the problem (other than to determine that it's something in the interaction between TurboCAD and the EGAwonder card). They are working with ATI directly to try to find out what the difference is. I suspect this will eventually result in either another BIOS update, or a change to TurboCAD. So far, all three companies have demonstrated very pleasant and professional product support groups. The TurboCAD <-> EGAwonder interface bug seems to be a pretty subtle one though since neither Milan Systems America nor ATI have been able to correct it yet (about 1.5 months so far). Robert Snyder {ihnp4|clyde}!moss!rjs (201) 386-4467 The above statements are my own thoughts and observations and are not intended to represent my employer's position on the subject(s). Note: There are many trademarks in the above article, although I don't know for sure which words are. A safe bet would be to consider any word with more than one capital letter to be a trademark.