[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Question about IBM PS/2 hard drives

bacchus@bschp.UUCP (Mark Bacchus) (06/10/88)

We are about to install 50+ IBM PS/2 model 50's with 20 megabyte hard 
drives.  These computers will be conneted to our current 3COM 3+ Network 
via thin Ethernet.  Here is the problem:

The PS/2's will be booting from a 3COM network fileserver.  Doing so will
link drive C: to a "start volume" on the fileserver, thus overlaying the
default drive for the hard disk.  This renders the hard drives useless.

We have tried to make the network link the start volume to a drive other
than C:, but haven't had any luck.  The other approach is to somehow
make the PS/2 think that the hard disk is drive B:.  This would allow the
network volume to link to the C: drive without overlaying our hard disk.
Is there any way to tell convince the computer that it's hard disk is on
drive B: ? 

                                              | Mark Bacchus
      ...!gatech!sbmsg1!\                     | Director of Academic Computing
UUCP:                    scbhq!bschp!bacchus  | Birmingham-Southern College
      ............ihnp4!/                     | Birmingham, AL 35254

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