[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Software and modems for sale

bobb@elrond.CalComp.COM (Robert J. Boulanger) (06/10/88)

I have the following DOS software for sale:

PRODUCT                                     ASKING PRICE
Hayes Smartcom II, V2.0                     $20
DACEasy Accounting Software                  39.95
High Stakes text adventure game              5
Lotto Calc--Gambling Times lottery selector  25
Crusade in Europe                            30
Ace of Aces                                  15
Ace air combat simulator                     10
Gunship                                      25
Silent Service                               25
Universal Military Simulator                 30
Battlezone                                   5
Top Gun                                      7
Carmen San Diego                             25
F-15 Strike Eagle                            25
Sargon III                                   30
Chuck Yeagers AFS                            30
Intel PL/M-86 compiler                       50
Intel Fortran-86 compiler                    50
Intel 8087 Numerics support software         30
Intel Pascal-86 compiler                     50

Also have the following modems for sale:

Tandy 1200 baud internal modem               50
MultiModem 1200 baud external                50
Hayes 300 baud external                      20

Bob Boulanger
Lockheed CalComp
Hudson, NH  03051
Bob Boulanger
Lockheed CalComp
Hudson, NH  03051