(kenn r stump) (06/21/88)
ATTENTION Steve Ward <stevewa@upvax> Mailers were not willing to let this message through, so here it is, The hard way! ____________________________________________________________________ Steve.. Do you have the translator, or do you know of how you could get it? That would be MUCH more useful to me that the Turbo Pascal to Quick C converter that is floating around. If you can get it, do you think that you could uuEncode it and mail it to me? Or just leave me more info, or whatever.. 'twould be VERY helpful. Ad(thanks)vance Kenn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | There aren't too many Viruses running around, Just too many Hypochondriacs! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | But What's in an opinion, anyway? | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | <=- U decide -=> hp-pcd!orstcs!jacobs!kenns | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------