[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Suntac AT motherboard

16016_1127@uwovax.uwo.ca (John Palmer) (07/02/88)

  I have recently been told about a Suntac replacement motherboard for my
AT clone that comes with 2 mb. of ram, upgradeable to 4mb. It has dip switches
that allow using the ram above 640K as expanded or as extended (with pages,
whatever that means) ram, but the spec. sheets say nothing about eems or
about LIM 4.0.  The driver for the board and ram is provided by Suntac.
	Does anyone know anything about this board? It is the same one that
is advertised on about page 24 of the July PC-Mag by a firm call "PC-Brand".
I've been offered a VERY good price on this board, installed, and if it
will allow me to use large spreadsheets, and keep several large programs
active in ram at the same time, I would like to get it. Thanks.

reply to palmer2@uwovax.uwo.ca ||-------John Palmer----------------------------
   or to palmer2@vaxr.uwo.ca   ||-------(519)-6613533--------------------------
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