[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Need Bisync to Async protocol converter

toma@killer.UUCP (Tom Armistead) (06/29/88)

I am in desperate need of a Async to Bisync to Async character/protocol
converter. I need something that I can control on the character level.
Something that I can have complete control over the actual communications
protocol on, something that has hardware interface documentation.

I would like it to be in card form for a PC or AT.

I have a something called a SYNcable from a company called CLEO that will
allow you to input an Async character in 1 end and receive a Bisync character
out the other end and vice versa. This WOULD be the ideal thing except that
I have not been able to get the product to perform well under heavily loaded
conditions. (I have been told everything from 'The box has hardware probs.' to
'You just don't know how to use it'. But, I do... and it still won't work well.

I have heard that Black Box MIGHT offer something like this, but... How do
I get in touch with Black Box.

I need something that I can 'make up' my own bisync protocol with, something
that is REAL non-standard. Could anyone help me, I'm starting to get pretty

Thanks in advance for ANY help!!!

Tom Armistead
UUCP: ...!ihnp4!killer!toma
Tom Armistead
UUCP:  ...!ihnp4!killer!toma

bkc@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Brad Clements) (06/29/88)

From article <4638@killer.UUCP>, by toma@killer.UUCP (Tom Armistead):
> I am in desperate need of a Async to Bisync to Async character/protocol
You could try contacting a company called Qua Tech. They make
all kinds of boards for PC's, communication and A/D etc.

Unfortunately I don't have their address handy, I think they're in

Sorry I can't be more help.

psc@lznv.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) (07/06/88)

< "Would you buy a used operating system from these guys?" >

In article <4638@killer.UUCP>, toma@killer.UUCP (Tom Armistead) writes:
> I am in desperate need of a Async to Bisync to Async character/protocol
> converter. I need something that I can control on the character level.
> Something that I can have complete control over the actual communications
> protocol on, something that has hardware interface documentation.

Lots of luck.  I looked for something like this a few years ago, and
couldn't find one.  You want to build up your own frames (including the
header), send them, and receive frames from the other side, right?

> I would like it to be in card form for a PC or AT.

Note that that's *not* a protocol converter, but a bisync card for a
PC.  There are lots of these available.  I don't know if any provide an
interface at the level you're looking for.

> I have heard that Black Box MIGHT offer something like this, but... How do
> I get in touch with Black Box?

P.O. Box 12800, Pittsburgh, PA 15241; tech support, 412-746-5565; orders
only, 412-745-5530; to order a catalog, call 412-746-5500.

We had their A/S-2E Protocol Converter (bisync RJE <-> async), but
there were problems, even in "transparent" mode.  I did appreciate
their technical support, and their willingness to take the converter
back when we discovered it didn't fulfill our needs.

>Tom Armistead, UUCP: ...!ihnp4!killer!toma

-Paul S. R. Chisholm, {ihnp4,cbosgd,allegra,rutgers}!mtune!lznv!psc
AT&T Mail !psrchisholm, Internet psc@lznv.att.com
I'm not speaking for my employer, I'm just speaking my mind.