[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Watchdog on LAN?

cpt.k9@netmbx.UUCP (Bob George) (07/09/88)

I work with a variety of computers and LANs, and have recently had the
Watchdog security package thrust upon me. It appears to be a great 
package for single-user systems, but we're not too sure how well it 
will do on LANs - IBM Token Ring and StarLAN are both likely candidates.

Does anybody have any experience with this package in such an environment?
I hate to waste too much time trying to figure out the impossible !-)
It's a VERY complicated/sophisticated system indeed!

	Thanks in advance,

PS - e-mail is trick over here, please be brief if you mail me directly!
cpt.k9@netmbx.UUCP ---------Bob-George--------
                      ------W.-Germany----------- Tel : (049-030) 832-8319