[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Additional PC S/W for sale

2212msr@whuts.UUCP (ROBIN) (07/11/88)

Subject: Additional Software for Sale         7/11/88

I'ld like to thank all of the NET users who responded
to my adds for surplus PC S/W. In the cleaning out of
of the surplus, I keep finding additional packages I
no longer need, including:
  1.  MicroPro CORRECTSTAR for use with	       $25.00
      WORDSTAR Rel. 3.31 and earlier
Max S. Robin
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Room 7C-004
Whippany Road
Whippany, NJ 07981
voice:201-386-6865 (days)
      201-627-5460 (eve.)
  or  201-627-5895 (eve.)