[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Help! Apricot PC, Anyone?

pcl@ihlpf.ATT.COM (Liu) (07/13/88)

I have a Apricot PC system (a not so IBM-PC compatible MS-DOS machine made
in England) equipped with 3.5" floppy & 9" color monitors which I acquired
at closeout price.  The salesman claimed that the monitor were made by
Sony and does give good color display.

I try to hook up a monitor to the VEGA-7 Deluxe (CGA/EGA/Mono) adapter
on the AT and I can barely read the text (it also need a gender changer
for its 9-pin connector).

My wildest guess is that the scan rate on this monitor is different than the
typical PC color monitors. 

Does anyone on the netland have any experience/advice regarding making this
type of monitor work on an IBM-PC?  If scan rate is the only difference,
how can I change the scan rate on the monitor with minimal effort or
least pain?

Thanks in advance!
