[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Opinion on RLL/6053

msprick@amdcad.AMD.COM (Rick Dorris) (07/16/88)

Hoping to get a quick opinion or two:  I own a Miniscribe 6053 that
I use on my 8088 computer.  I'm upgrading to a 386 machine and
want to still use my hard drive.  I'm looking for a controller that
will give me RLL and a 1:1 interleave-- is there such a card?  What
is the manufacturer?  Also, has anybody ever used a 6053 with a RLL
controller?  Problems?  What was the resulting size of the drive?

Email and I'll sumarize.
Rick Dorris

zeeff@b-tech.UUCP (Jon Zeeff) (07/17/88)

In article <22378@amdcad.AMD.COM> msprick@amdcad.UUCP (Rick Dorris) writes:
>want to still use my hard drive.  I'm looking for a controller that
>will give me RLL and a 1:1 interleave-- is there such a card?  What

In my opinion, the Adaptec 2372 is an excellent 1:1 RLL controller with
floppy support for an AT.  I paid about $150 for one (mailorder).  Adaptec
may have XT versions.

Jon Zeeff           		Branch Technology,
uunet!umix!b-tech!zeeff  	zeeff%b-tech.uucp@umix.cc.umich.edu