[comp.sys.ibm.pc] HELP: need to use two Hard disk controllers in same AT clone.

wolfordj@ihlpa.ATT.COM (452is-Wolford) (07/19/88)

I need to use two hard disk controllers in the same AT clone. 

HOW can I do this ?  Any software to around to patch MS-DOS ?

I need to use three hard disks and would like to have 3 floppy drives
on line.

1) I already have the hard disk and second controller
	So no I don't (can't because of the big $$$ a > 70MB drive costs) 
	want to buy one large hard disk.

2) I have a external peripheral unit that houses and powers 2 Half HT's
	and 1 FH drive in addition to the 5 bays in my AT.

3) I have MS-DOS 3.3 v1.0 or MS-DOS 3.2 v2.0.2

Jeff Wolford

ucbvax--+---- att --+ iwsag!jww

zeeff@b-tech.UUCP (Jon Zeeff) (07/19/88)

In article <8551@ihlpa.ATT.COM> wolfordj@ihlpa.ATT.COM (452is-Wolford) writes:
>I need to use two hard disk controllers in the same AT clone. 
>HOW can I do this ?  Any software to around to patch MS-DOS ?
>I need to use three hard disks and would like to have 3 floppy drives
>on line.

While it's possible to use two controllers and 4 hard disks, I haven't 
seen a DOS device driver to do it.  I have one that is mostly 
complete, but I won't have time to finish it for awhile.  Let me know 
if you want a copy of what I have.  


Jon Zeeff           		Branch Technology,
uunet!umix!b-tech!zeeff  	zeeff%b-tech.uucp@umix.cc.umich.edu