msc_wrak@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Robert Anthony Koyak) (07/19/88)
I wish to obtain a Fortran compiler to run on a 386 machine (MS-DOS) with expanded memory. The intention is to run large (in terms of source code) programs, with large internal data structures, as effectively as possible. By effectively, I mean quickly (using 80387 and expanded memory), and with full F77 compatibility. In particular, it should be able to run code under F66 specifications. As I understand it, the two most viable options currently are Microsoft Optimizing Fortran, and Ryan-McFarland Fortran. RM-Fortran costs somewhat more. What I would like to know are: -- What (if any) significant differences exist? -- What has been the experience of users under circumstances similar to mine? I would welcome informed responses via E-mail. If your knowledge of these issues is extensive, perhaps also responding in the newsgroup(s) would be appreciated by others. Thanks. -- bob koyak -- Johns Hopkins Univ -- msc_wrak@jhunix (BITNET)