Here is the text, downloaded from a local BBS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER 288-380 DATE 880719 CATEGORY WS00, WS20, AS20, AS21 TYPE Programming TITLE IBM DISK OPERATING SYSTEM (DOS) VERSION 4.00 ABSTRACT Disk Operating System Version 4.00 provides significant new capability that enhances DOS as the single tasking operating system of choice for the IBM Personal Systems/2 (R) and Personal Computer families. It is the primary operating system for 8086/8088 microprocessors and serves as an interim entry level operating system solution for 80286/80386 systems. A new DOS Version 4.00 user shell provides an easy-to-use way to interact with the system. Large fixed disk support and integrated expanded memory support are included in DOS Version 4.00. The DOS Version 4.00 documentation library has been completely redesigned for ease of use and reference. A new Disk Operating System Version 4.00 Command Reference provides detailed command descriptions and is available separately. A new Disk Operating System Version 4.00 Technical Reference Application Programming product is also available separately. Program Program One-Time Description Number Charge DOS Version 4.00 (3.5-inch media) 6280256 $150 DOS Version 4.00 (5.25-inch media) 6280225 150 Planned Availability Date: July 19, 1988 (R) Registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. PRODNO 6280256 DOS Version 4.00 (3.5-media) 6280225 DOS Version 4.00 (5.25-media) OVERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS o DOS Version 4.00 supports all members of the IBM Personal System/2 and Personal Computer families (except PCjr (TM), XT (TM)/370, and AT (R)/370) and is upwardly compatible with DOS Version 3.30. o DOS Version 4.00 provides a new program warranty, with defect service for one year after availability. o DOS Version 4.00 supports large fixed disks greater than 32Mb in a nonpartitioned manner. o The DOS Version 4.00 shell provides program, file, and directory services as user-friendly alternatives to the command line. o To use memory above 640KB, DOS Version 4.00 supports Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) capable memory adapters used with applications written to the Lotus (1)/Intel (2)/ Microsoft (3) (LIM) Expanded Memory Specification Version 4.0. o DOS Version 4.00 provides a menu-driven installation aid to guide the user through an interactive installation procedure. o Video/graphics support has been enhanced to provide printing of graphics screens, additional video mode settings, and display of more than 25 lines of text. (TM) Trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. (R) Registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. (1) Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. (2) Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. (3) Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. DESCRIPTION Disk Operating System Version 4.00 is compatible with DOS 3.30, which will continue to be marketed, and supports all IBM Personal System/2s and IBM personal computers, except PCjr, AT/370, and XT/370. An upgrade to DOS Version 4.00 from all prior levels of DOS is being offered at a reduced charge. Details of the new DOS Version 4.00 function are as follows: o Large nonpartitioned DASD support is provided. The new addressing format of 32-bit versus 16-bit removes the limitation of 32Mb DASD partitions. For compatibility, DOS Version 4.00 retains the ability to install on and use currently formatted fixed disks. After DOS Version 4.00 is installed with >32Mb partitions, the user cannot boot from DOS 3.30 and read the files on the fixed disk. Some applications may be incompatible with SHARE. SHARE is automatically installed if the user has >32Mb partitions. o A DOS shell is provided as an alternative to the DOS prompt to increase useability. The DOS shell has a similar appearance to the OS/2 (TM) Presentation Manager. It provides facilities and utilities for the range of day-to-day tasks. It is possible to start up and use applications when necessary; to access information and data in the file systems; to obtain hard copy output; and to get Help information relevant to the task. These actions are accomplished by straightforward selections from menus, using either a mouse or the keyboard. The shell will run in either text or graphics mode. Installation of the DOS shell is optional. (TM) Trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. o Disk Operating System Version 4.00 provides support for the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM) Expanded Memory Specification Version 4.0. Expanded memory is addressed through a combination of an EMS device driver and an IBM hardware adapter capable of expanded memory. This memory enhancement is available if one of the following is installed: - Planar memory installed above 1Mb on a PS/2 Model 70 or 80 (can be used as EMS memory) - IBM 2Mb Expanded Memory Adapter - IBM Personal System/2 80286 Expanded Memory Adapter/A - IBM Personal System/2 0-8Mb Expanded Memory Adapter/A - IBM Personal System/2 80286 Memory Expansion Option or software emulated XMA using the 80386 paging capabilities on Personal System/2 - IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory Expansion Option - IBM Personal System/2 2-8Mb 80386 Memory Expansion Option. DOS 4.00 uses expanded memory for DOS 4.00 functions for the DOS 4.00 BUFFERS, FASTOPEN, and VDISK functions to conserve storage. EMS memory can be used only by application programs that comply with the EMS specification. o A full-screen installation utility, SELECT, is provided to simplify the installation of DOS 4.00. SELECT allows easy selection of all parameters required to install DOS 4.00, including selection of country and code page support. AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files are automatically generated by the install process. If preconfigured defaults are accepted, a national user has selected automatically the appropriate national keyboard, country information, date/time format, and code pages. Only if the user needs to select different country information will the full-screen utility be needed to bypass the defaults. o Video and graphics support: - DOS 4.00 provides support for a text mode (versus graphics) Command Line display interface when not using the shell. - DOS 4.00 supports greater than 25 lines of text on Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) and Video Graphics Array (VGA) displays with the appropriate capability. - GRAFTABL is extended to support the multilingual code page 850. - GRAPHICS has been extended to support the graphics display modes of the EGA, VGA, IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter, and IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter 8514/A. This provides graphic print screen support for the IBM Graphics Printer, IBM Proprinter (TM), IBM Color Printer, IBM PC Convertible Printer, or any other IBM personal computer printer with compatible graphic print modes. - DOS 4.00 uses a printer profile file (GRAPHICS.PRO) that describes characteristics of different printers users can modify for other IBM personal computer printers. This is used in conjunction with graphics. (TM) Trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. Other enhanced DOS Version 4.00 functions are as follows: - ANSI.SYS has a new /x parameter enabling extended keyboard reassignments and a new /l parameter that will try to enforce the number of lines set through MODE command -- even within an application. - APPEND has been enhanced to allow more control of its searching operations. - BACKUP automatically formats the target diskette if the diskette is not already formatted. - BUFFERS has new parameters to improve DOS buffer cache support and to utilize buffers in EMS. - CHKDSK displays volume serial number, if found, and the allocation units in the status report. - COUNTRY provides support for the additional countries Japan, Korea, Peoples Republic of China, and Taiwan. - DEBUG now provides EMS support. Detailed information is contained in the DOS Version 4.00 Technical Reference Application Programming product, available separately. - DISPLAY.SYS checks the hardware to select the type of active display, if the display adapter type is omitted. - ERASE or DEL has a new /p parameter that displays each filename and a message to verify that the file is to be deleted. - FASTOPEN has a new /x parameter that allows FASTOPEN to perform its function by using expanded memory, saving space in low memory for application programs. FASTOPEN now stores file information in memory to allow faster retrieval of recently opened files. - FDISK now uses 80 display columns, accepts disk partition sizes in megabytes or percentages, and displays the volume label and file system for each partition. - FORMAT accepts a new /f size parameter. This indicates the size of the diskette to format, making it easier to format media less than the maximum capacity of a drive. - KEYB has a new parameter that selects a specific keyboard layout where countries (such as France, Italy, and the United Kingdom) offer multiple enhanced keyboards. - MEM is a new program that displays the memory configuration of the system. The /debug or /program switches give a detailed description of the memory usage. - MODE is enhanced to allow selection of keyboard typematic rates and lines per screen. - PRINTER.SYS now provides near letter quality font support for the Proprinter. - REM is an enhanced command to allow comments or line spacing in a batch or CONFIG.SYS file. - REPLACE has a new /U parameter. It restricts REPLACE to only update files with a date and time on the source diskette more recent than the date and time on the target diskette. - SYS moves the first two entries in the root directory to place IBM BIOS and IBM DOS as required, if the format /s command was not performed. - TREE displays block graphics and indent at each subdirectory level. - VDISK /x: is provided to use expanded memory using XMA2EMS. The Disk Operating System Version 4.00 product includes the BASIC Interpreter Program Version 4.00. The existing BASIC Reference, Version 3.30 (6280189) manual describes BASIC 4.00 and is available separately. The DOS 4.00 library has been redesigned to improve useability and to support new program functions. Getting Started with Disk Operating System Version 4.00 assists with the installation process and provides a tutorial on the new DOS Version 4.00 shell. Using Disk Operating System Version 4.00 describes how to use DOS 4.00 to complete daily tasks and routines. World Trade keyboard information is contained in IBM Keyboard Layouts For Your PC and PS/2 (R) and is available free of charge by mailing the postcard included in the DOS 4.00 package. The new Disk Operating System Version 4.00 Technical Reference Application Programming product, separately available, has been reorganized and provides reference and system architecture information in a task-oriented manner for the experienced user, system programmer, and application developer. It is assumed that the user is familiar with the 8088/8086, 80286, or 80386 microprocessor architecture. This new product has been updated with DOS 4.00 related topics. As with DOS 3.30, the Disk Operating System Version 4.00 Technical Reference Application Programming product contains the DEBUG, LINK, EXE2BIN, VDISK.ASM, and LIB programs. A new Disk Operating System Version 4.00 Command Reference manual is also available as a separate item and contains detailed DOS command information for advanced DOS 4.00 users. (R) Registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. CUSTINFO PUBLICATIONS The following publications are available separately. Order Title Number IBM BASIC Reference, Version 3.30 6280189 Disk Operating System Version 4.00 Command Reference 6280253 The DOS 4.00 Service Coordinator Guide will be available immediately after DOS 4.00 becomes available. To order, contact your IBM representative or telephone (800) IBM-2468. SCHEDULE Availability is planned for July 19, 1988. TECHINFO TECHNICAL INFORMATION SPECIFIED OPERATING ENVIRONMENT MACHINE REQUIREMENTS: o IBM PC Convertible o IBM Personal Computer o IBM Personal Computer XT (TM) o IBM Personal Computer AT (R) o IBM Personal System/2 Models 25, 30, 50, 60, 70, and 80 (TM) Trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. (R) Registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. DISKETTE DRIVE REQUIREMENTS: o 360KB (5.25-inch) o 1.2Mb (5.25-inch) o 720KB (3.50-inch) o 1.44Mb (3.5-inch). ADAPTER AND DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS: o IBM 4900 Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter with: - IBM Monochrome Display (5151) o IBM 4910 Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter with: - IBM Color Display (5153) o IBM 1200 Enhanced Graphics Adapter with one of the following: - IBM 5154 Enhanced Color Display - IBM 5153 Color Display - IBM 5151 Monochrome Display o IBM Personal System/2 Model 30, 50, 60, 70, or 80 (all with integrated display support) with one of the following: - IBM Personal System/2 Color Display 8512 - IBM Personal System/2 Monochrome Display 8503 - IBM Personal System/2 Color Display 8513 - IBM Personal System/2 Color Display 8514 o IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter 8514/A with the IBM Personal System/2 Model 50, 60, 70, or 80 with one of the following: - IBM Personal System/2 Color Display 8512 - IBM Personal System/2 Monochrome Display 8503 - IBM Personal System/2 Color Display 8513 - IBM Personal System/2 Color Display 8514 o IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter with Personal System/2 Model 30, IBM Personal Computer, Personal Computer XT, Personal Computer XT Model 286, or Personal Computer AT with one of the following: - IBM Personal System/2 Color Display 8512 - IBM Personal System/2 Monochrome Display 8503 - IBM Personal System/2 Color Display 8513 - IBM Personal System/2 Color Display 8514. MEMORY REQUIREMENTS: 256KB is the minimum memory requirement for DOS 4.00 systems. PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENTS: To use the "hot key" operations required by host communication emulators (such as 3270 emulators), certain restrictions apply if the shell is run in graphics mode. To operate without restrictions, it is recommended that the shell be operatedin text mode. For further information on the restrictions and how to run the shell in text mode, see Chapter 5, "Text or Graphics Mode"of the Getting Started with Disk Operating System Version 4.00 publication. COMPATIBILITY: DOS 4.00 is an upwardly compatible enhancement to DOS Version 3.30 and contains maintenance updates. DOS 4.00 supports all members of the IBM Personal System/2 and Personal Computer families (except PCjr, AT/370 and XT/370). DOS 4.00 maintains compatibility with most applications that operate on DOS 3.30. These programs will function substantially as described in program literature if the DOS 4.00 and BIOS protocols and conventions are observed and no timing dependencies in the application code exist. This information is in the Disk Operating System Version 4.00 Technical Reference Application Programming product. Care should be taken when using utilities or tools that write directly to the hardware, for example, utilities or programs that do not use DOS calls. Use of a disk repair utility that was compatible with DOS 3.30 may not be compatible with the DOS 4.00 file structure and could cause loss of all data on a fixed disk. The storage required by DOS 4.00 is greater than previous versions of DOS. Some programs may not fit in the same size machine. DOS 4.00 is supported by IBM PC Local Area Network Program Version 1.3. PLANNING INFORMATION CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES: The customer is responsible for creating a copy of DOS on diskettes or fixed disks as described in the DOS publications. The customer must actively assist the registered Service Coordinator in problem determination. The following paragraphs discuss their roles and relationship to IBM Program Services. Program Service will be provided to customers via a registered Service Coordinator. The Service Coordinator will be designated at the time of acquisition. Any questions regarding the registration of dealers as Service Coordinators should be directed to the National Support Center. Refer to the program license information shipped with the product for information on how to report suspected DOS 4.00 defects to the registered Service Coordinator. The registered Service Coordinator is responsible for assisting the customer with: o Determining whether a problem has been caused by hardware or software o Identifying which software being used is causing the problem o Reporting suspected DOS 4.00 defects to IBM o Assisting the customer in applying preventive and corrective service o Performing other activities recommended by IBM support organizations to define and/or resolve the problem. IBM Central Service with IBM Support Center Services will respond, upon request from a registered Service Coordinator, to a defect in the unaltered portion of a supported release of the licensed program by issuing: corrective service information such as correction documentation, corrected code, notice of availability of corrected code, a restriction, or a bypass as determined by IBM. This defect support is only applicable if the defect is found to occur in the operating environment in which the product was intended to be used. Preventive service may be provided through updates to this program. If an update is made available by IBM, information will be made available to the registered Service Coordinators with instructions for distribution of copies and/or ordering of copies to or for the users supported by each Service Coordinator. The IBM Support Center will provide the registered Service Coordinator with telephone assistance in problem diagnosis and resolution. The registered Service Coordinator may call the IBM Support Center at any time and will receive a return call within eight business hours (Monday -- Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., local customer time). In addition, and as an alternative, registered Service Coordinators who have electronic communications capability will be provided access to an online data base that will provide information about known defects, if any, and the ability to report suspected problems electronically. Software requirements for the electronic ServiceLine are: o IBM Disk Operating System 3.30 or 4.00 or IBM Operating System/2 (TM) o IBM ServiceLine diskette. The diskette contains software to access the ServiceLine. (TM) Trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. Hardware requirements for the electronic ServiceLine are: o An IBM Personal Computer XT Model 286, Personal Computer AT, or Personal System/2 unit with the following minimum requirements: - 128KB of application address space required while running ServiceLine - One 360KB 5.25-inch diskette drive or one 720KB 3.5-inch diskette drive - Display adapter (monochrome, color/graphics, or VGA) with attachment cable and 80-column video monitor - Asynchronous communication adapter - Cable conforming to the EIA 232 C or D standard. Other equivalent hardware may be used if desired; however, IBM can only answer connectivity questions related to the supported configurations. o Modem. One of the following full-duplex, asynchronous modems or equivalent that uses the AT command set: - IBM 5841 or 5842 external modem at 1200 bits per second (bps) - IBM 4805 internal at 1200 bps - IBM 4829 internal at 1200 bps o Switched telephone line. End-user service is provided through a Service Coordinator. The Service Coordinator must be registered with IBM at the time the program license for DOS 4.00 is acquired. Education Product Coordinators authorized to deliver products must be registered as Service Coordinators. One copy of the Service Coordinator Guide and the ServiceLine Diskette must be ordered for each registered Service Coordinator. Contact an IBM representative for additional copies of the Service Coordinator Guide. Form and part numbers are: Form Part Description Number Number DOS 4.00 Service Coordinator Guide G68X-2373 68X2373 ServiceLine Diskette (5.25-inch, 360KB) ZV38-0350 None ServiceLine Diskette (3.5-inch, 720KB) ZV38-0351 None INSTALLABILITY: Instructions for installing DOS 4.00 are in the Getting Started with Disk Operating System Version 4.00 publication. If the DOS 4.00 start up diskette is present in diskette drive A, or if DOS 4.00 is properly configured on the appropriate fixed disk, DOS 4.00 is automatically loaded in memory when the system is started or restarted. If automatic program execution is not used each time DOS 4.00 is initialized, the user is asked for the current date and time (on systems with a CMOS clock, the current date and time is displayed). This information is used to identify the most recent update to a file. If the AUTOEXEC option is used and unattended operation is desired, date and time prompting can be bypassed. PACKAGING: The DOS 4.00 Program Package (6280256 -- 3.50-inch media) is distributed in one package with the following materials: o IBM Program License Agreement o IBM Program License Information o Two 3.5 inch double-sided (720KB) diskettes o Getting Started with Disk Operating System Version 4.00 publication o Using Disk Operating System Version 4.00 publication o Order card for -- IBM Keyboard Layouts for your PC and PS/2 o Shell Reference Card o Proof of License. The DOS 4.00 Program Package (6280225 -- 5.25-inch media) is distributed in one package with the following materials: o IBM Program License Agreement o IBM Program License Information o Five 5.25-inch double-sided (360KB) diskettes o Getting Started with Disk Operating System Version 4.00 publication o Using Disk Operating System Version 4.00 publication o Order card for -- IBM Keyboard Layouts for your PC and PS/2 o Shell Reference Card o Proof of License. The Disk Operating System Version 4.00 Technical Reference Application Programming product is packaged and is available separately. As in DOS 3.30, the DOS 4.00 Technical Reference Application Programming product will have the DEBUG, LINK, EXE2BIN, VDISK.ASM, and LIB programs packaged with it. The product is distributed with the following materials: o Program License Agreement o Program License Information o One 3.50-inch (720KB) DOS Utilities Diskette o One 5.25-inch (360KB) DOS Utilities Diskette o Disk Operating System Version 4.00 Technical Reference Application Programming manual o DOS 4.00 Technical Quick Reference o Proof of License. The Disk Operating System Version 4.00 Command Reference (6280253) is a separately available publication for advanced and technical users. It contains detailed command reference material and is available through both direct and dealer channels. The DOS 4.00 documentation only package will include the following: o Getting Started with Disk Operating System Version 4.00 o Using Disk Operating System Version 4.00 o Order card for -- IBM Keyboard Layouts for Your PC and PS/2 o Shell Reference Card. SECURITY, AUDITABILITY, AND CONTROL The security functions of DOS 4.00 depend on the features of the system unit on which it is installed. User management is responsible for evaluation, selection and implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communication facilities. ORDERING ORDERING INFORMATION Orders for new licenses will be accepted now. Unless a later date is specified, orders entered prior to the planned availability date will be scheduled for shipment July 22, 1988. To order the programs in this announcement, specify the program name, order type, quantity, and media. The order types are: o Program Package -- program diskette with documentation. o Additional Licenses -- quantity must be five or more ordered under a VPA. o Documentation -- separate documentation without program diskettes. o Program Package Upgrade -- program diskette with documentation. o Additional Licenses Upgrade -- quantity must be five or more ordered under a VPA. NOTE: This product is eligible for ordering through the IBM Education Order Center. PROGRAM UPGRADE The program package upgrade option allows currently licensed users of any version of IBM Disk Operating System (DOS) to obtain the function of DOS 4.00 for a program upgrade charge. The program upgrade to DOS 4.00 is available from July 29, 1988, through April 28, 1989. Customers may order upgrades through the IBM branch office using the IBM Personal Computer/System Program NCMD/SWMD Upgrade and Certification Order Form included with this announcement. The program package upgrade from any previous version of IBM DOS to DOS 4.00 will also be available through IBM Authorized Personal Computer Dealers and Authorized Industry Remarketers. The remarketer will require a proof of license for each upgrade ordered. The proof of license is the colored front cover page (this is the page inside the hard binder) or the separate proof of license page in the program package, as identified by IBM to the remarketer. To receive program package upgrades at a discount, a VPA Addendum with the appropriate VPA Exhibit must be in effect. The order may only be placed through the IBM branch office using the IBM Personal Computer/System Program NCMD/SWMD Upgrade and Certification Order Form. To receive additional licenses upgrades, a VPA Addendum with the appropriate VPA Exhibit must be in effect. The total quantity of upgrades acquired for a specific program may not exceed the total quantity of program packages and additional licenses previously acquired for that program. Proof of license for upgrade eligibility for additional licenses upgrades is a copy of the invoice. Additional licenses upgrades may only be entered through the branch office using the NCMD/SWMD Upgrade and Certification Order Form. TERMS AND CONDITIONS LICENSING: Programs in this announcement are licensed under the terms and conditions of the IBM Program License Agreement. A copy of the agreement is included in the program package. LIMITED WARRANTY: Program: Yes. Media: Three months. Additional Licenses: Yes. (DOS 4.00 ONLY) Media: Not applicable. PROGRAM SERVICES: Central Service, including the IBM Support Center, will be available until August 31, 1989. The statement of service included in the program package describes this service. VOLUME DISCOUNT: Volume discounting is available under the terms and conditions of the Volume Procurement Amendment (VPA) and the Exhibit for Personal Computer/System Programs or the Exhibit for Personal Computer/System Programs for Qualified Educational Institutions/Hospitals. The programs in this announcement are included in the Eligible Program List for the Exhibit for Personal Computer/System Programs (PCLP) and the Exhibit for Personal Computer/System Programs for Qualified Educational Institutions/Hospitals (PCLE). They may be added to the applicable category in the space provided on the Eligible Program List. Program Packages are included in Category A under Exhibit PCLP and Exhibit PCLE under Order Type Number 5871. Additional licenses are available only under the VPA and are included in Category A under 5872-AAA for DOS 4.00. Program package upgrades and additional licenses upgrades are included in Category B and are eligible for volume discounting based on the commitment in Category A. Documentation is included in Category B and is eligible for volume discounting based on the commitment in Category A. This product is eligible for ordering through the IBM Education Order Center. TESTING PERIOD: Program Packages: Two months for up to three copies of each Eligible Program ordered under a VPA Addendum. Additional Licenses: Not applicable. EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE: A 20% educational allowance is available to qualifying institutions in accordance with the Educational Allowance Amendment. The educational allowance may not be added to any other discount or allowance. Program upgrades are not eligible for the educational allowance. CHARGES Program Program One-Time Upgrade Number Order Type Charge Charge 6280256 Program Package (DOS) $150 3.5-inch media 6280225 Program Package (DOS) 150 5.25-inch media 6280254 DOS 4.00 Technical 105 Ref. Appl. Programming 6280253 Command Reference 30 6280273 Additional Licenses 110 6280258 Documentation Only 40 6280256 Program Package Upgrade $95 3.5-inch media 6280225 Program Package Upgrade 95 5.25-inch media 6280277 Additional Licenses 55 Upgrades ADDITIONAL LICENSES CHARGE: Customers who pay a one-time charge for additional licenses may copy machine-readable program materials and printed documentation previously acquired from IBM in a program package. One copy may be made for each additional license ordered. PROGRAM UPGRADE CHARGE: A program upgrade charge applies when the upgrade is ordered on or before April 30, 1989. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark -- Mark Smith (alias Smitty) "Be careful when looking into the distance, 61 Tenafly Road that you do not miss what is right under your nose." Tenafly, NJ 07670 {backbone}!rutgers!!msmith Bill and Opus in '88!!!
mintz@hpindda.HP.COM (Ken Mintz) (07/24/88)
> > ERASE or DEL has a new /p parameter that displays each > ^^ > > filename and a message to verify that the file is to be deleted. > > Anyone giving out prizes for intuitive user interfaces? Thanks a lot for > not using something silly like /q or /i. You don't suppose "/p" could stand for "prompt"? Of course, "/q" would have just OPPOSITE mnemonic interpretation ("quiet"?). I guess "intuitive interface" is in the mind of the beholder. Ken Mintz (Andy Toy, Applications Support Group) (07/26/88)
In article <4330098@hpindda.HP.COM> mintz@hpindda.HP.COM (Ken Mintz) writes:
<> > ERASE or DEL has a new /p parameter that displays each
<> ^^
<> > filename and a message to verify that the file is to be deleted.
<> Anyone giving out prizes for intuitive user interfaces? Thanks a lot for
<> not using something silly like /q or /i.
< You don't suppose "/p" could stand for "prompt"? Of course, "/q" would have
< just OPPOSITE mnemonic interpretation ("quiet"?).
Probably it is to be consistent with the /P switches in REPLACE and XCOPY.
That kind of makes the /P switch in DIR out of place.
Andy Toy, Applications Support Group, Department of Computing Services (DCS),
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA N2L 3G1, 519/885-1211 x3417
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