[comp.sys.ibm.pc] QModem authors?

andrew@alberta.UUCP (Andrew Folkins) (07/18/88)

A friend of mine is using the QModem telecom program, and for some 
reason whats to get in touch the the authors - the Forbin Project.
The telephone number given in his version of the manual is out of
date, does anyone out there have any up-to-date information?

Andrew Folkins        ...ihnp4!alberta!andrew    
The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada      
Remember, when all else is said and done, at least *we* have someplace to
park our keyboards. - an anonymous Amiga 1000 owner

tides@cdp.UUCP (07/28/88)

Try Forbin Project, PO Box 702, Cedar Falls, IA  50613;  319/232-4516.
Upgrade of QModem is out, too.