[net.general] New Boston University UUCP Backup Procedures

root@bu-cs.UUCP (Barry Shein) (04/01/85)

Date:	4/1
To:	Boston University User Community
Subject:UUCP delay lines

Tape backups are rather tedious and expensive. In an attempt to reduce
these costs I have recommended the following to our users:

Certain slow UUCP paths around the net have been identified.  These
paths are known to take a few days to cycle between here (bu-cs) there
and back again.  These paths have been identified and are in a public
file (/usr/pub/uumollasses) on our system.

A shell script has been put on our system which will send a file or
group of files out over this slow path headed back towards the
originator. Use 'uuBCK [files or directories]'.

The result is that you will always receive your critical files a few
days later in the mail which can be recovered after a disaster.  The
beauty of this plan is that even if we are hopelessly down, the next
node in the hop will spool and patiently wait for us.  Being as this
storage is off-site (often, off-city) this can be considered a very
secure backup method. For users with even higher security needs
different paths can be chosen and redundant copies sent.  Even in the
event of impending war international paths can be chosen through
countries with low probability of conflagration.

The only problem I see is that we have about 15,000 users and >30GigaBytes
of disk storage but that seems to me to be the problem of remote sites.

With the savings in both personnel and tapes I expect we will finally
be able to purchase all those neat things you people have been hearing
about on the net by Q1.

	-Barry "Always thinkin of No. 1"  Shein, Boston University