nhj@cs.bham.ac.uk (Nick Jurascheck <JurascheckNH>) (08/25/88)
Desperate plea for urgent assistance: Has anyone on the net programmed dynamic dialog boxes with the MS Windows (Version 2) Toolkit? I have tried using modal dialog boxes (CreateDialogIndirect), and also modeless ones (DialogBoxIndirect) with no results at all in both cases. The MS documentation is very limited, especially on the DLG_TEMPLATE structure and on how to create a HANDLE to a data structure, for use as an input parameter to DialogBoxIndirect. I have done the obvious checks on the data which I'm putting into my dialog-box template, and also tried using the data produced by DIALOGEDIT to recreate a dialog box. Perhaps there is an error in the documentation? (surely not!) Any help gratefully accepted, (Please email) nick JANET: JurascheckNH@uk.ac.bham.cs | UUCP: ...!mcvax!bhamcs!JurascheckNH BITNET: JurascheckNH%cs.bham.ac.uk@ukacrl.bitnet INTERNET: JurascheckNH%cs.bham.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu
nhj@cs.bham.ac.uk (Nick Jurascheck <JurascheckNH>) (08/26/88)
Since issuing my original plea for help with programming dynamic dialog boxes under MS Windows, I have discovered that the documentation HAS got some errors and omissions, in the DLG_TEMPLATE structure definition. These are corrected in the update booklet (which I didn't get with my copy of the software). The bad news is: I still can't get either of the dynamic dialog box routines(CreateDialogIndirect and DialogBoxIndirect) to work - all they do is (sometimes) give a Windows divide-by-zero error and then return fail values, but without putting up a dialog box. I would be very grateful for any further help with this problem, (Please email) Nick JANET: JurascheckNH@uk.ac.bham.cs | UUCP: ...!mcvax!bhamcs!JurascheckNH BITNET: JurascheckNH%cs.bham.ac.uk@ukacrl.bitnet INTERNET: JurascheckNH%cs.bham.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu