[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Whats the best DOS upgrade path?

mhg@mitre-bedford.ARPA (Mark H. Granoff) (09/01/88)

After a total mishap and 98% recovery, I am now ready to try and
upgrade the DOS on my PC.

I am currently at AT&T MS-DOS 2.11.  I have an AT&T 6300, 640KB
memory, 20MB Seagate ST225 hard disk, 1 floppy, AT&T monochrome

As I understand it, I cannot use SYS to upgrade DOS from 2.x to 3.x
because 3.x is bigger.  I must reformat.  (Once I get to, say 3.1, I
could then use SYS to go to 3.2 without formatting, right?)

I have read quite a bit lately (here, in fact) that BACKUP/RESTORE
between DOS versions doesn't work.  Whether that's true or not (is
it?), I am not planning on using DOS BACKUP and RESTORE.  I got a copy
of FastBack+, which I am told by others, works just fine on AT&Ts.
Any comments?  Will I be able to read FastBack+-written disks (under
DOS 2.11) under DOS 3.x?

Since I will have to reformat, what is the exact procedure?  I think I
know, but I would like to check it out before I start:

     1. DOS BACKUP my FastBack+ directory, to RESTORE later onto 3.x
        disk, rather than reinstall it from scratch.
     2. Low level format with interleave factor 3.
     3. FDISK to create partition.
     4. SYS to copy 3.x system.
     5. DOS 3.x RESTORE of FastBack+ directory.
     6. FastBack+ restore (all but DOS 2.11 stuff)

Right??  Will I be able to run DOS 3.x RESTORE on DOS 2.11 BACKUP

Next, I can go to either AT&T MS-DOS 3.1 or AT&T MS-DOS 3.2.  Which
should I use?  Does it matter?  I had heard that there was a problem
under PC DOS 3.2 in reading 2.x disks?  Is this the case?  Is this the
case with AT&T MS-DOS 3.2?

What am I forgetting?  Tell me.

Thanks for the information.

chasm@killer.DALLAS.TX.US (Charles Marslett) (09/03/88)

In article <39457@linus.UUCP>, mhg@mitre-bedford.ARPA (Mark H. Granoff) writes:
> I have read quite a bit lately (here, in fact) that BACKUP/RESTORE
> between DOS versions doesn't work.  Whether that's true or not (is
> it?), I am not planning on using DOS BACKUP and RESTORE.  I got a copy
> of FastBack+, which I am told by others, works just fine on AT&Ts.
> Any comments?  Will I be able to read FastBack+-written disks (under
> DOS 2.11) under DOS 3.x?

Yes, so long as you used the same version of FASTBACK, the save/restore
will go flawlessly (or so it always has been for me and everyone I know!).

> Since I will have to reformat, what is the exact procedure?  I think I
> know, but I would like to check it out before I start:
>      1. DOS BACKUP my FastBack+ directory, to RESTORE later onto 3.x
>         disk, rather than reinstall it from scratch.
>      2. Low level format with interleave factor 3.
>      3. FDISK to create partition.

        3a. Format the partition using the new DOS (I always do a
            "FORMAT/S" since this seems more reliable (gut feel) than
            a format followed by a sys.

>      4. SYS to copy 3.x system.

       4. SYS only if you did a FORMAT without the "/S" above.

>      5. DOS 3.x RESTORE of FastBack+ directory.
>      6. FastBack+ restore (all but DOS 2.11 stuff)
> Right??  Will I be able to run DOS 3.x RESTORE on DOS 2.11 BACKUP
> disks????

I do not know, I have always just reinstalled FASTBACK -- a better
alternative is just copy the \fastback directory to a floppy without
using BACKUP/RESTORE (the only thing that is different from a reinstall
is the presence of the backup directory file, I think).

> Thanks for the information.

You're welcome (especially if I got it right!)

Charles Marslett

pnelson@antares.UUCP (Phil Nelson) (09/04/88)

In article <39457@linus.UUCP| mhg@mitre-bedford.ARPA (Granoff) writes:
|After a total mishap and 98% recovery, I am now ready to try and
|upgrade the DOS on my PC.
|I am currently at AT&T MS-DOS 2.11.  I have an AT&T 6300, 640KB
|memory, 20MB Seagate ST225 hard disk, 1 floppy, AT&T monochrome
|As I understand it, I cannot use SYS to upgrade DOS from 2.x to 3.x
|because 3.x is bigger.  I must reformat.  (Once I get to, say 3.1, I
|could then use SYS to go to 3.2 without formatting, right?)
You are correct, you cannot go from 2.x to 3.x with sys, I havn't tried
3.1 to 3.2, it should work.

|I have read quite a bit lately (here, in fact) that BACKUP/RESTORE
|between DOS versions doesn't work.  Whether that's true or not (is
|it?), I am not planning on using DOS BACKUP and RESTORE.  I got a copy
|of FastBack+, which I am told by others, works just fine on AT&Ts.
|Any comments?  Will I be able to read FastBack+-written disks (under
|DOS 2.11) under DOS 3.x?

You are correct, BACKUP/RESTORE will not work between 2.11 and 3.1, unless
you have fewer than 10 backup volumes and good luck. I tried it once, they
changed the volume number storage from BCD to binary. I also tried that
other program you mentioned, about a year ago. It did not work at all on
my AT&T, something to do with the floppy, I am told. I gave it away to
someone with a true blue, where it seemed to work well, if a bit frantically.
Probably they have fixed this problem, I advise you to make very sure before
buying. I use Intelligent Backup, by Sterling Software.

|Since I will have to reformat, what is the exact procedure?  I think I
|know, but I would like to check it out before I start:
|     1. DOS BACKUP my FastBack+ directory, to RESTORE later onto 3.x
|        disk, rather than reinstall it from scratch.

------ Just DOS COPY your whatever directory to the floppy, although
       you could probably get away with BACKUP here, why bother?

|     2. Low level format with interleave factor 3.

------ If you have an extra hour or so, I suggest you experiment with
       Spintest, which just went by in comp.binaries.ibm.pc, I think.
       3 might be too fast. (I think it's OK, though, for the Seagate)

|     3. FDISK to create partition.
------don't forget to boot on the new OS disk and format...
|     4. SYS to copy 3.x system.
------if you format with /s you won't need this.
|     5. DOS 3.x RESTORE of FastBack+ directory.
------just MakeDir and copy to it from the floppy...
|     6. FastBack+ restore (all but DOS 2.11 stuff)
------make sure your whatever backup program is not set to automatically
      overwrite existing files on restore.
|Right??  Will I be able to run DOS 3.x RESTORE on DOS 2.11 BACKUP
sort of (see above).

|Next, I can go to either AT&T MS-DOS 3.1 or AT&T MS-DOS 3.2.  Which
|should I use?  Does it matter?  I had heard that there was a problem
|under PC DOS 3.2 in reading 2.x disks?  Is this the case?  Is this the
|case with AT&T MS-DOS 3.2?
I could tell you a story about 3.1, terms for upgrade to 3.2, and my
6300+, but maybe I had better not... the end result was, after a great
deal of wasted time, I am mad at my own company's PC support group,
AT&T's PC support group, Microsoft's support group (or should I say
robot?), and my clock still does not keep good time. I reset it every
few days, a minor aggravation compared with trying to get it fixed.
The tell me I'm the only one with this problem, so maybe I'm doin' it
wrong :-). I suppose if I were buying now, knowing what I know, I would
buy 3.2, which, I hope, will either keep the correct time, or can be
patched to do so (of of course, I don't know if any of this applies to
your 6300, my problem is with the 6300+).

|What am I forgetting?  Tell me.

I hope I have, and trust someone will correct me where I have erred.

|Thanks for the information.

You're quite welcome

{ames|pyramid}oliveb!tymix!antares!pnelson  | Contains: Potentially hazardous
OnTyme: QSATS.P/Nelson  POTS: (408)922-7508 | questions, Potentially hazardous
Disclaimer: Not officially representing     | opinions, Potentially hazardous
McDonnell Douglas Corporation policy.       | comments, Virtual Carcinogens

pechter@dasys1.UUCP (Bill Pechter) (09/04/88)

In article <39457@linus.UUCP> mhg@mitre-bedford.ARPA (Granoff) writes:
>After a total mishap and 98% recovery, I am now ready to try and
>upgrade the DOS on my PC.
>As I understand it, I cannot use SYS to upgrade DOS from 2.x to 3.x
>because 3.x is bigger.  I must reformat.  (Once I get to, say 3.1, I
>could then use SYS to go to 3.2 without formatting, right?)
You don't have to reformat if you can clear enough free space in
the area where the dos files go to put the new ones there.  There are
a number of public domain programs that do that.  AT&T's DOS has a 
new install program that replaces the older files with the new ones
but I don't know about it working with DOS v2.11.

Reformatting and re FDISKing the disk will allow you to use the smaller
cluster size that'll give you a bit more free space on your 20 meg

>I have read quite a bit lately (here, in fact) that BACKUP/RESTORE
>between DOS versions doesn't work.  Whether that's true or not (is
>it?), I am not planning on using DOS BACKUP and RESTORE.  I got a copy
>of FastBack+, which I am told by others, works just fine on AT&Ts.
>Any comments?  Will I be able to read FastBack+-written disks (under
>DOS 2.11) under DOS 3.x?

Fastback Plus works under all Dos versions and it it reliable.  You'll have 
no problems.

>Since I will have to reformat, what is the exact procedure?  I think I
>know, but I would like to check it out before I start:
>     1. DOS BACKUP my FastBack+ directory, to RESTORE later onto 3.x
>        disk, rather than reinstall it from scratch

I recommend just reinstalling the fastback plus directory or do what I did.
I made a bootable version 3.x disk with fastback plus, fdisk and format on it
and used that to format /S C: and to begin the restoration.

>     2. Low level format with interleave factor 3.

Your best interleave may be 4 or 6 instead of 3.  I recommend getting
a copy of Spintest to see what works best.  My fastest interleave was 6 using
the WD1002-wx1 Superbios Rom, 4 with the AT&T internal disk rom and now
is 3 after using qfresh to tighten up my refresh time to memory.

>     3. FDISK to create partition.

>     5. DOS 3.x RESTORE of FastBack+ directory.
>     6. FastBack+ restore (all but DOS 2.11 stuff)
>Right??  Will I be able to run DOS 3.x RESTORE on DOS 2.11 BACKUP
probably not.  But if you do what I put in #1 it shouldn't be necessary.

>Next, I can go to either AT&T MS-DOS 3.1 or AT&T MS-DOS 3.2.  Which should I 

I've used AT&T's 2.11, 3.1 and 3.2.  There's an annoying bug in 3.2 that causes
the clock to lose time.   AT&T's just released DOS3.3.  It's a little more money
but it's probably worth being at the latest rev.

I've never had problems reading different rev floppies with the AT&T dos 

The 3.2 Dos clock fix is to get Biopatch 12 from some BBS. (I recommend the
Right Choice BBS (201) 974-8317.  Or the AT&T run support bbs systems --
(201) 769-5616,or 6397.

>What am I forgetting?  Tell me.

You've got the right idea.  DOS3.x is much better than 2.11.  I re-low-leveled
the disk and got 4mb more free space due to the smaller cluster size.
Bill Pechter          {sun!hoptoad,cmcl2!phri}!dasys1!pechter
 USnail 103 Governors Road, Lakewood, NJ 08701
 AT&T 201-370-0709 Evenings

berger@clio.las.uiuc.edu (09/07/88)

Numerous people on the network have complained about making Fastback
backups without error, then were unable to read them onto the newly
formatted disks.  I wouldn't depend on it, though the most recent
version may be reliable if you run in the slow (verify on) mode.

			Mike Berger
			Department of Statistics 
			Science, Technology, and Society
			University of Illinois 

			{ihnp4 | convex | pur-ee}!uiucuxc!clio!berger

mhg@mitre-bedford.ARPA (Mark H. Granoff) (09/07/88)

In article <16800360@clio> berger@clio.las.uiuc.edu writes:
>Numerous people on the network have complained about making Fastback
>backups without error, then were unable to read them onto the newly
>formatted disks.  I wouldn't depend on it, though the most recent
>version may be reliable if you run in the slow (verify on) mode.

Certainly, caution should be taken if you plan to reformat your hard
disk after you back it up (to ensure that your backup is good, etc).
I admit, I didn't follow this rule (the first time), and I used the
original FastBack, which may have been my downfall.  However, on my
second try I used FastBack Plus (with High DMA a.k.a fast and write
verify on).  I had no problems backing up or restoring.  No doubt,
FastBack Plus is a better program than FastBack (in my opinion :-).

| Mark H. Granoff                      Member of the Technical Staff |
| USMAIL: The MITRE Corporation  | ARPAnet: mhg @ mitre-bedford.ARPA |
|         Burlington Rd.         | UUCP   : linus!mbunix!mhg         |
|         M/S B015               |-----------------------------------|
|         Bedford, MA 01730      | A T & T: (617) 271 - 7506         |
+--------------------------- Disclaimer -----------------------------+ 
|   The views expressed herein are my own and do not necessarily     |
|                    reflect those of my employer.                   |

davidsen@steinmetz.ge.com (William E. Davidsen Jr) (09/08/88)

In article <39457@linus.UUCP> mhg@mitre-bedford.ARPA (Granoff) writes:

#      1. DOS BACKUP my FastBack+ directory, to RESTORE later onto 3.x
#         disk, rather than reinstall it from scratch.

I would suggest you just write it to a floppy with COPY

#      2. Low level format with interleave factor 3.
This is really a matter of use. With an AT you can run as low as 2:1 and
get improved loading of programs which don't use mush CPU, such as
loading programs and reading files into (some) text editors. With
programs which do more CPU per byte read you will run faster with
interleaves as high as 6. You have picked a good compromise.

#      3. FDISK to create partition.
#      4. SYS to copy 3.x system.

Actually you want to FORMAT /S at this point

#      5. DOS 3.x RESTORE of FastBack+ directory.

Again, Id use COPY to avoid any possible problems.

#      6. FastBack+ restore (all but DOS 2.11 stuff)

I think that will work.

# Right??  Will I be able to run DOS 3.x RESTORE on DOS 2.11 BACKUP
# disks????

I wouldn't bet on it. Some people report problems. Why take a chance?

# Thanks for the information.

Hope it helps
	bill davidsen		(wedu@ge-crd.arpa)
  {uunet | philabs}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me