[net.general] Columbia Microcomputer Statistical Pkgs

awinterb@udenva.UUCP (Art Winterbauer) (04/24/85)

A friend of mine has a Columbia microcomputer (model VP 1600 I believe).
He wants to know if there are any commercial statistical packages available
for it.  Please let me know by e-mail and I'll pass along the info.

        Art Winterbauer       "If guns are outlawed, only
        Univ. of Denver        communists will have underwear!"
        PO Box 10127
        Denver, CO  80210

	{boulder, cires, cisden, denelcor, hao, nbires}!udenva!awinterb
	{bilanc, csm9a, elsi, koala}!udenva!awinterb