[comp.sys.ibm.pc] MAC Word 3.01 <-> IBM Word 4.0 conv

ldh@hcx1.SSD.HARRIS.COM (09/06/88)

Would someone please edificate me as to the differences betweem MACs and IBMs
versions of WORD? (besides the interface and the MACs graphics inclusion

Leo Hinds

lawriel@osiris.cso.uiuc.edu (09/06/88)

This is an interesting discussion.  We have had the opposite kind
of problem in that we can get PC-WORD to read MAC-WORD files
(saved as 'MS-DOS') just fine but cannot go the other way.

Of course, we are using straight disk-to-disk transfers rather
than going thru another machine.

If anyone can enlighten us on getting the MAC to read PC
files, we'd appreciate it.

You could mail responses directly.

   Linda Lawrie

jhenry@randvax.UUCP (Jim Henry) (09/15/88)

The Macintosh version of Word does a reasonably good job of reading and
writing files in PC Word format.  The biggest problem I know about is
in the area of style sheets.  Reading a PC Word file, the style sheet is
translated within the limits of style sheets on the Mac.  Writing a PC Word
file, no style sheet is used.

This hints at the question of what are the differences between Word on the
Mac and on the PC.  The biggest in my opinion is the way style sheets are

Mac                                     PC

Style sheets are part of a document     Style sheets are seperate files

Paragraph styles only                   Division (section), paragraph, and
					character styles

Styles can have multiple names of       One two character name
considerable length

Styles can be based on another style    Every style is independent

Style can specify following file           "

There are also a number of lesser difference in terms of non-overlapping
features and features with slightly different implementations.