[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Need a program to run another program at a specific time

jeff@drexel.UUCP (Jeff White) (09/14/88)

  On one of our PC's, we have a program which gets manually started every
morning, which calls up a company, downloads some stock information, and
then quits.  The downloaded file is then printed out. (I should mention is
a custom program, not part of a scriptfile from a communications program.
We would like to set up the PC so that the program starts automatically
each weekday (weekends can be ignored if it simplifies things) at a specific
time (say, 6:00am).  The program name just has to be typed, ie. 'bailey';
no other parameters have to be specified.
   Is there a public domain program that will allow this (the computer does
have a real time clock, BTW)?  I'm not that familiar with IBM Basic, but I
imagine I could probably write a simple program, read the time, and if it
greater than or equal to the designated time (ie. 6:00:30 instead of just
6:00), execute the program from within the Basic routine and then exit (and
probably print or leave a completion message somewhere.  However, a program
that ran in the background, occasionally checking the time, might be a bit
nicer.  I would be interested in any recommendations you might have.

						Jeff White
						Drexel University - ECE Dept.

cpp90221@dcscg1.UUCP (Duane L. Rezac) (09/14/88)

From article <709@drexel.UUCP>, by jeff@drexel.UUCP (Jeff White):
{ We would like to set up the PC so that the program starts automatically
{ each weekday (weekends can be ignored if it simplifies things) at a specific
{ time (say, 6:00am).  The program name just has to be typed, ie. 'bailey';
{ no other parameters have to be specified.
{    Is there a public domain program that will allow this (the computer does
{ have a real time clock, BTW)?   						Jeff White
{ 						Drexel University - ECE Dept.
{ 						rutgers!bpa!drexel!jeff

This is not shareware, but AUTOMENU Version 4.0 will allow timed execution.
AUTOMENU is a menu program that is user configurable, allowing custom menus, 
password protection, and timed execution. You should be able to find a copy
on a BBS somewhere. 

(no , this is not an add, I'm just a satisfied user)
| Duane L. Rezac        |These views are my own, and NOT representitive of  |
| dsacg1!dcscg1!cpp90221|my place of Employment.                            |

rlb@xanth.cs.odu.edu (Robert Lee Bailey) (09/16/88)

In article <709@drexel.UUCP> jeff@drexel.UUCP (Jeff White) writes:
>  On one of our PC's, we have a program which gets manually started every
>morning, which calls up a company, downloads some stock information, and
>then quits.  The downloaded file is then printed out. (I should mention is
>a custom program, not part of a scriptfile from a communications program.
>We would like to set up the PC so that the program starts automatically
>each weekday (weekends can be ignored if it simplifies things) at a specific
>time (say, 6:00am).  The program name just has to be typed, ie. 'bailey';
>no other parameters have to be specified.
>   Is there a public domain program that will allow this (the computer does
>have a real time clock, BTW)?  I'm not that familiar with IBM Basic, but I
>imagine I could probably write a simple program, read the time, and if it
>greater than or equal to the designated time (ie. 6:00:30 instead of just
>6:00), execute the program from within the Basic routine and then exit (and
>probably print or leave a completion message somewhere.  However, a program
>that ran in the background, occasionally checking the time, might be a bit
>nicer.  I would be interested in any recommendations you might have.

You might try AUTOMENU which is a shareware menu program.  It has a
facility which allows for automatic execution of any program at some
specified time.  The syntax is very similar to using a standard .BAT
file, so anything that you can do in a .BAT file can be done using
AUTOMENU to allow execution at the specified time.  I'm not sure
that it will activate if another program is already running, but, I
believe that it will execute as soon as you exit the other program
(that is assuming that the specified time has been passed).

		Bob Bailey