[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Problems in PS/2 with PC Mouse

gsg0384@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (10/14/88)


I have a problem with my PS/2 - 50.  It ocasionally, not always,
shows one of the error codes,

301, 302, 8601, 8602

or some combination of the above at the boot time after RAM check (1024K OK).
Then I retry by powering-off-and-on (Ctl-Alt-Del does not work).
Usually, it becomes OK again.  So I checked  the system with the Reference
Diskette supplied by IBM, putting the diskette and Ctl-Alt-Del.  This displays

8602 : Problem with the mouse error

or something like that.  My mouse is not the original IBM mouse.  It is Mouse
System's PC Mouse for PS/2 which has the famous life-time-guarantee.

When either 301 or 302 appears, it always appears with either 8601 and 8602.
In Byte this month's special issue, both 301 and 302 mean the keyboard error
for IBM PCs.  Do those numbers mean the same for IBM PS/2's?

So my guess about the problem is that when the computer starts
self-testing after the power-up, it seems that some malfunctioning of the
mouse like overshoot of the bias current through the LED in the optical mouse
causes the self-testing of the computer to fail.

   Has someone out there had the same problem with the IBM PS/2 machines
with the Mouse System's PC Mouse?  Any information on the above problem
will be appreciated.

                                       Hugh SONG