[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Turbo C 2.0 / pricing reality, built-in debugger

bob@imspw6.UUCP (Bob Burch) (10/17/88)

From Ted Holden at HTE:
Again, from: Eelco van Asperen, Erasmus University EF/AIV,Rotterdam
>bob@imspw6.UUCP (Bob Burch) writes:
>> 1.  Borland invented the idea of selling compilers for $100 or so instead
>>     of $500 or $1500.  Microsoft is being forced to play a game they don't
>>     enjoy playing and which they would cease to play tommorrow should
>>     anything happen to Borland.  The loyalty issue here is pretty real.
>The Turbo C 2.0 Professional Version lists for $250; $250 > $100 :-(
It seems some people are getting confused on the price issue here.  Turbo
C 2.0 lists for $150, which probably indicates a street price (Programmer's
Connection, Egghead, etc. etc.) of about $100.  This includes a debugger
which is built into the normal Borland programming environment, works for
all models, and would totally suffice for 95 percent of all users and all
uses.  The $250 package also includes their stand-alone debugger, which
should suffice also for the other 5 percent (i.e. nearly any debugging
usage imaginable) as well as their new assembler.
Borland's sense of charity is almost medieval:  special breaks for orphans,
widows, college students, previous owners (lucky me, previous owners can
buy the $250 package for $99.50) etc. etc.  The manuals which come with
the afore-mentioned $99.50 upgrade contain more glossy paper than you could
buy in New York city for $100, if your intent were to print your own
manuals!!!; it'd still be cheaper to buy from Borland, save yourself the
typing, and you'd be getting the compiler free!  I forgot to mention PC
User's Group discounts.  Needless to mention, were it not for the presence
of Borland, MicroSoft and it's boy-wonder-billionaire proprieter would
likely be out there trying to charge Mother Theresa $2500 for a C compiler.
You really don't need to be Albert Einstein to figure this one out.
I haven't begun working with the stand-alone debugger just yet;  I figure
the integrated debugger should suffice for my needs.  The main screen you
see from Turbo C 2.0 looks like this:
   File   Edit   Run   Compile   Project   Options   Debug   Break/watch        
3      Line 1     Col 1   Insert Indent Tab Fill Unindent   D:NONAME.C         3
3                                                                              3
3                                                                              3
3                                                                              3
3                                                                              3
3                                                                              3
 F1-Help  F5-Zoom  F6-Switch  F7-Trace  F8-Step  F9-Make  F10-Menu              
the last two items across the top being your debug menus.
The run menu appears as follows:
   File   Edit   Run   Compile   Project   Options   Debug   Break/watch        
3      Line 1   3 Run            Ctrl-F9 3b Fill Unindent   D:NONAME.C         3
3               3 Program reset  Ctrl-F2 3                                     3
3               3 Go to cursor        F4 3                                     3
3               3 Trace into          F7 3                                     3
3               3 Step over           F8 3                                     3
3               3 User screen     Alt-F5 3                                     3
3               @DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY                                     3
3                                                                              3
3                                                                              3
3                                                                              3
 F1-Help  F5-Zoom  F6-Switch  F7-Trace  F8-Step  F9-Make  F10-Menu
Everything here is new;  even the run item can mean run till you crash,
hit control-break, and then start examining things (control-F4).
The debug menu follows:
   File   Edit   Run   Compile   Project   Options   Debug   Break/watch        
3      Line 1     Col 1   Insert Indent Tab 3 Evaluate    Ctrl-F4             33
3                                           3 Call stack  Ctrl-F3             33
3                                           3 Find function                   33
3                                           3 Refresh display                 33
3                                           3 Display swapping     Smart      33
3                                           3 Source debugging     On         33
3                                           @DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY3
3                                                                              3
3                                                                              3
3                                                                              3
3                                                                              3
 F1-Help  F5-Zoom  F6-Switch  F7-Trace  F8-Step  F9-Make  F10-Menu              
And, finally, the Break/Watch menu:
   File   Edit   Run   Compile   Project   Options   Debug   Break/watch        
3      Line 1     Col 1   Insert Indent Tab Fill 3 Add watch          Ctrl-F7 33
3                                                3 Delete watch               33
3                                                3 Edit watch                 33
3                                                3 Remove all watches         33
3                                                CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD43
3                                                3 Toggle breakpoint  Ctrl-F8 33
3                                                3 Clear all breakpoints      33
3                                                3 View next breakpoint       33
3                                                @DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY3
3                                                                              3
3                                                                              3
3                                                                              3
 F1-Help  F5-Zoom  F6-Switch  F7-Trace  F8-Step  F9-Make  F10-Menu              
As you can see, the normal built-in debug features which come with Turbo C
2.0 are pretty serious.  The stand-alone debugger is for 386 style debugging,
486 style debugging, debugging with a second screen, debugging all kinds of
exotic equipment, exotic screens, cathedral organs running DOS, etc.  Most
people probably won't ever use it, but, then, you never know.
A quick template of function-key use (which is not provided and possibly
should be) would be the following:
    Turbo C 2.0
    Break point             cntr-f8
    Run                     cntr-f9
    stop                    cntr-brk
    step-over               f8
    reset prog              cntr-f2
    to curser               f4
    trace into              f7
    user scrn               alt-f5
    add watch               cntr-f7
    stack-call display      cntr-f3
    evaluate item(s)        cntr-f4
One last thing I should mention, I'm noting a BIG gain in compile speeds
over Turbo C 1.5.  They've damned near brought it even with Turbo Pascal
4.0;  really fast.
Ted Holden