[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Pc Junior's Wireless Keyboard

aingalls@eta.unix.ETA.COM (Andrew Ingalls) (11/22/88)

Where can I find the memory map for an Ibm Pc Jr running DOS without
memory expansion.  How about the I/O map?

Is anyone familiar with the wireless keyboard interface for the Pc Jr?
Does the microprocessor handle the infrared decoding or is it handled 
by separate hardware?  I am particularly interested in decoding the 
signals myself so that I can send commands other than those sent by the
standard keyboard.

Does anyone know the address and/or phone number for the Pc Jr user's 
group in the St. Paul area?

   Rereading this I see that there is significantly more than one    
question but counting has never really been my strong point. (Isn't 
that what computers are for?)

   Any and all hints/suggestions/comments will be greatly appreciated.

INTERNET phinker@aring.eta.com