wolfordj@ihlpa.ATT.COM (452is-Wolford) (11/29/88)
I am looking for a program that runs on a PC or AT and uses CGA/EGA graphics that is simular to the arcade game "AFTERBURNER". For those unfamiliar with "AFTERBURNER", it is a joystick operated game where you fly in 3-D space shooting bullets and missles at other jets. I know of two programs: F19 stealth fighter and FIGHTER AT. Fighter AT only runs on a AT class machine and only supports EGA, that is no problem, but I would like to know if the program is worth anything as it is ~$50. Any reviews or other suggestions are welcome. Jeff Wolford att!iwsag!jww att!ihlpa!wolfordj harvard-+ | ucbvax--+---- att --+ iwsag!jww | decvax--+