(Mark Hughes) (12/01/88)
Do you have any experience with a product called Merge386 from Locus? It includes UNIX and MS-DOS for $795 and allows DOS to run as a UNIX process. I shan't bore everyone with all the details, as it is reviewed in the current issue of Byte, but it looks very nice, allows mixing of MS-DOS and UNIX commands and shared file space. I'd be interested to hear of any first hand experience, and in particular comments on its use of memory. The Byte article says that you need at least 2.5M, but does not say how useful it is at this level. The article goes on to describe benchmarks with up to four DOS processes (running concurrently under UNIX), but does not say how much RAM was needed to achieve this. -- ------------------- <> or <...!mcvax!ukc!idec!camcon!mrh> | Mark Hughes | Telex: 265871 (MONREF G) quoting: MAG70076 |(Compware . CCL) | BT Gold: 72:MAG70076 ------------------- Teleph: Cambridge (UK) (0)223-358855
bill@cosi.UUCP (Bill Michaelson) (12/06/88)
In article <>, (Mark Hughes) writes: > > Do you have any experience with a product called Merge386 from Locus? > I'm running the Merge386 product under Microport UNIX. I think it's a good product generally, but I am experiencing problems with serial communications which you should be warned about. Simply put, don't expect to be able to run the usual terminal emulators or file transfer programs that you may be used to using in the MS-DOS environment. I don't think they'll work properly. Memory-wise, I don't know what to tell you. I've got 4MB, and I can run multiple MS-DOS sessions concurrently with no problems. I suspect this is a practical minimum for acceptable performance, but I have not done any exhaustive analyses, so don't take my word as gospel. -- Bill Michaelson, COS, Inc. \ "Better to keep your mouth shut, and let Voice 609-771-6705 / people think you're a fool, than to open rutgers!princeton!mccc!cosi!bill \ it..." CompuServe 72416,1026 / -Mark Twain