[comp.sys.ibm.pc] TIMER.COM program responses

smvorkoetter@watmum.waterloo.edu (Stefan M. Vorkoetter) (12/18/88)

Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for the TIMER
program for my MULTI I/O board.  I received about five or six
responses, some sending and some offering.  I had to accept 
all the offers, since not all the programs called TIMER seemed
to work, although they all gave the same title message.  Special
thanks to David Ross and Joseph Darnell, who sent the version
that finally worked.  

An interesting note.  After I got one that worked, it did not
work all the time.  So I examined the board, and the entirely
inadequate documentation.  I eventually noticed extreme corrosion
on the timer chip pin 1, the one that was connected to the negative
side of the battery.  I also noticed two cold solder joints.
After cleaning pin 1, and re-soldering the joints, everything 
worked great.  So, if anyone has trouble with a timer board, examine
the pin of the timer chip connected to the negative battery terminal;
it seems to be corrosion prone.  Car batteries do this too.  Anyone
know why?

Anyway, thanks again for all the help.  I didn't know that the
NET was so responsive.  Everyone have a Merry Christmas, and a
Happy New Year.

Stefan Vorkoetter