[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Connecting C=64 to IBM PC

jep@fantasci.UUCP (Joseph E Poplawski) (12/21/88)

Lost the header for the included article but it is from rlneal@ihlpe

>I am trying to upload files from a Commodore 64SX (portable) to a 
>pc (AT&T PC6300).  Since the C64 does not have a real RS232 port
>I am using a modem on each end, and connecting the modems with a
>phone wire.  After struggling with the modem on the pc (getting it
>to answer), and getting the parity, stop bits, and baud rate set
>all to match,  the C64 will now talk to the PC and PC recognizes
>the commands given by the C64.
>However, there are still some problems.  The C64 (screen) receives
>gibberish from the PC.  Also, Procomm 2.4.2 expects some sort of
>file transfer protocol which the C64 does provide.  The modem &
>software on the C64 is mfd'd by TeleLearning Systems, Inc.
>Anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?

You may want to pick yourself up an rs-232 interface for your SX=64, the
kinds that allow you to use any rs-232 modem.  Hook that up to your SX and
then run a nulled cable from your PC to the SX.  Then you can run Procomm
on your PC and a terminal program that supports xmodem on the SX.  From
there everything is a breeze.  I use this same sort of setup to use my
C=128 as a terminal on my 386.  (can only use 2400 baud max, but oh well)

You probably could get the modem trick to work, but as I remember, the
TeleLearning modem is 300 baud and using my method you can use 2400.  

Hope this helps...

|  Joseph E Poplawski  (Jo)                   US Mail:  1621 Jackson Street   |
|                                                       Cinnaminson NJ 08077  |
|  UUCP:..!rutgers!rochester!moscom!telesci!fantasci!jep                      |
|       ..!princeton!telesci!fantasci!jep                                     |
|       ..!pyrnj!telesci!fantasci!jep           Phone:  +1 609 786-8099 home  |

nfs0294@dsacg1.UUCP (Glendell R. Midkiff) (12/22/88)

From article <356@fantasci.UUCP>, by jep@fantasci.UUCP (Joseph E Poplawski):
> Lost the header for the included article but it is from rlneal@ihlpe
>>I am trying to upload files from a Commodore 64SX (portable) to a 
>>pc (AT&T PC6300).  Since the C64 does not have a real RS232 port
>>I am using a modem on each end, and connecting the modems with a
>>phone wire.  
>>However, there are still some problems.  The C64 (screen) receives
>>gibberish from the PC.  Also, Procomm 2.4.2 expects some sort of
>>file transfer protocol which the C64 does provide. 
>>Anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?
When I got my first IBM compatible, I transferred a bunch of ascii files
from my C64 using connection as you described.  I used a terminal program
on the C64 called COMM-TERM3+ (I think) and PROCOMM 2.4 on the MS-DOS
side.  COMM-TERM3+ has XMODEM protocol option and all worked rather well
once I got it all figured out.  Also, I believe VIP Term for C64 has
XMODEM protocol.  By the way, the COMM-TERM software was available on
BBS's back then, but that has been 2-3 years ago so I don't know what
is available now.  You need something that allows XMODEM protocol.
Hope this helps.

 |Glen Midkiff   osu-cis!dsacg1!gmidkiff                                 |
 | Phone: (614)-238-9643 @DLA, Systems Automation Center, Columbus, Oh.  |