(Tim Lynch) (01/10/89)
Is there a version of NCSA Telnet that runs on IBM PC type machines which are tied to an Appletalk network via Apple's Appletalk card? thanks in advance for any information.
amanda@lts.UUCP (Amanda Walker) (01/10/89) (Tim Lynch) writes:
Is there a version of NCSA Telnet that runs on IBM PC type machines
which are tied to an Appletalk network via Apple's Appletalk card?
thanks in advance for any information.
We (InterCon Systems Corporation) sell a commercial product based on NCSA
Telnet for the PC that supports any LocalTalk card with an Apple-compatbible
driver. A product release was recently posted to comp.newprod. For more
information contact:
InterCon Systems Corporation
11732 Bowman Green Drive
Reston, VA 22090
(703) 435-8170
FAX: (703) 435-8069
Amanda Walker ...!uunet!lts!amanda / lts!
InterCon, 11732 Bowman Green Drive, Reston, VA 22090
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