[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Ontrack Disk Manager + 80meg seagate = loss of 200k of memory

greggt@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU (Gregg Thompson) (01/13/89)

A friend of mine has a 80meg Seagate hard disk that was formatted with the
Ontrack Disk Manager that came with it.  The problem now is that the driver
takes up 200k worth of his memory!  He would love to put this driver into his
new 4.0 LIM/EMS 2+meg of memory so programs, like 3-d perspective in Enable3.0,
will actually maybe work?!!!

Any help would be appreciated.

To live is to die, to die is to live forever;			GRegg Thompson
Where will you spend eternity?			     greggt@vax1.cc.uakron.edu

bkliewer@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Bradley Dyck Kliewer) (01/14/89)

In article <71@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU> greggt@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU (Gregg Thompson) writes:
>A friend of mine has a 80meg Seagate hard disk that was formatted with the
>Ontrack Disk Manager that came with it.  The problem now is that the driver
>takes up 200k worth of his memory!  He would love to put this driver into his
>new 4.0 LIM/EMS 2+meg of memory so programs, like 3-d perspective in Enable3.0,
>will actually maybe work?!!!

This doesn't sound right -- there must be something else using up most of that
memory.  You don't say which 80 Meg Seagate and what machine (I have an
80 Meg SCSI on a PC and an 80 Meg standard drive on an AT) and the OnTrack
drivers don't use nearly that much.  I did replace the OnTrack driver on
the AT with the OnTrack Superproms which eliminate the driver, allow full
use of the entire drive capacity, and work under OS/2 -- your friend might
want to consider adding these if he has an AT type machine.

Bradley Dyck Kliewer                Hacking...
bkliewer@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu       It's not just an adventure
                                    It's my job!

loafman@convexs.uucp (Kenneth W. Loafman) (01/14/89)

In article <71@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU> greggt@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU (Gregg Thompson) writes:
>A friend of mine has a 80meg Seagate hard disk that was formatted with the
>Ontrack Disk Manager that came with it.  The problem now is that the driver
>takes up 200k worth of his memory!

You did not say what kind of machine it was on, but I cannot imagine the
driver taking 200k.  I also use Disk Manager on an 80meg drive and the
total package is well under 5k.  Please double check your install.

Kenneth W. Loafman @ Convex Computer Corp, Dallas, Texas
UUCP:  {allegra,uiucdcs,ctvax}!convex!loafman
Disclaimer:  Well!  I never...
Kenneth W. Loafman @ Convex Computer Corp, Dallas, Texas
UUCP:  {allegra,uiucdcs,ctvax}!convex!loafman
Disclaimer:  Well!  I never...

Ralf.Brown@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (01/14/89)

In article <71@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU>, greggt@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU (Gregg Thompson) writes:
}A friend of mine has a 80meg Seagate hard disk that was formatted with the
}Ontrack Disk Manager that came with it.  The problem now is that the driver
}takes up 200k worth of his memory!  He would love to put this driver into his

First, a question: is the disk formatted as a single partition?  If yes, then
Disk Manager works by faking DOS into thinking that the sectors are 2048 bytes
instead of 512 bytes (If the clusters are 8K, then you know that's what is
happening).  Now DOS has to allocate disk buffers which can hold those 2048
bytes, so a BUFFERS=99 statement in your CONFIG.SYS will use 198K worth of disk
buffers instead of 50K without Disk Manager (in addition to a few K for the
driver itself).

If you partition the disk into three partitions of 32 megs or less, then the
driver doesn't have to fake DOS into larger sectors, saving you a lot of RAM
for your disk buffers.  Unless you have files larger than 32 megs, there isn't
really any reason NOT to partition the disk into smaller chunks.  You might
also want to use BUFFERS=40 to BUFFERS=50 if you are currently using
BUFFERS=99--it quite likely will speed up your disk accesses, as well as
saving some more RAM.

UUCP: {ucbvax,harvard}!cs.cmu.edu!ralf -=-=-=- Voice: (412) 268-3053 (school)
ARPA: ralf@cs.cmu.edu  BIT: ralf%cs.cmu.edu@CMUCCVMA  FIDO: Ralf Brown 1:129/31
			Disclaimer? I claimed something?
	You cannot achieve the impossible without attempting the absurd.

emb978@leah.Albany.Edu (Eric M. Boehm) (01/15/89)

In article <71@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU>, greggt@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU (Gregg Thompson) writes:
> A friend of mine has a 80meg Seagate hard disk that was formatted with the
> Ontrack Disk Manager that came with it.  The problem now is that the driver
> takes up 200k worth of his memory!  He would love to put this driver into his
> new 4.0 LIM/EMS 2+meg of memory so programs, like 3-d perspective in Enable3.0,
> will actually maybe work?!!!
I had the same problem so I called ONTRACK. I have a 300MB SCSI disk and I
was missing about 100K. The solution was to use less buffers. I had
BUFFERS=30. With the cluster size at 4K, this added up. When I reduced
buffers to 20, I got about 40K of memory back. I also asked them if it was
possible to install this driver in higher memory; at this time it is not

Eric M. Boehm