[comp.sys.ibm.pc] extended keys f11-f12 noscancode problem

mikep@ariel.unm.edu (Mike Prine CIRT) (01/17/89)

On the F11-F12 problem

> ralf@cs.cmu.edu states the reason for no scancode return on extended 
> keyboards as:

> Because you have to use INT 16h/AH=10h,11h,12h to read the new keys.  The old
> calls with AH=00h,01h,02h *throw*out* the new keystrokes.

This is only part of the story. The are problems that are keyboard/rom
related as we have code(KERMIT) that uses the extended INT 16H functions and
still fails to return keycodes. This happens on a Zenth 286LP but not various
PS 2 models or on other Zenith models. Don't know the solution but hope 
someone out there does.  We are also trying to get info from our local 
Zenith rep.
