[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Upgrading from XT to AT

NU115247@NDSUVM1.BITNET (02/08/89)

I'm thinking of upgrading from a XT clone (8 mhz) to an AT.  What I'd
like to know is the following:  Has anyone out there done this sort of
thing before...are there any special problems to watch out for?  What
I'd like to do is just replace the motherboards (for starters).  My
system currently consists of :  4.77 - 8 mhz XT clone motherboard
                                640K RAM
                                150 watt power supply
                                2400 baud modem
                                Miniscribe 20 meg HD (i'm not sure of model)
                                Copy II PC Option board
                                Microsoft Mouse (plug in card)
                                Tecmar Graphics Master video card
                                Sysdye RGB monitor
                                Floppy drive and multi-I/O card
                                Hard drive controller (also not sure of model)
                                (2) 360K floppy drives

One thing I'd like to know is if my current hardware would work in an AT
motherboard...Can i use a 8-bit card in a 16-bit slot without any trouble...
Would i have to get a new HD and/or controller...Is my power supply large
enough to handle a AT motherboard...Does anyone know any reptuable dealers
that sell AT motherboard at a decent price...

Thanks to anyone who can help me with this!

Jeff Cooper                  | Stress:  The confusion created when the
                             |          mind overrides the bodies desire
NU115247 @ NDSUVM1.BITNET    |          to choke the living shit out of
                             |          asshole who desperately needs it.