[comp.sys.ibm.pc] 3Com Ethernet Help Needed

c3ar@daisy.uchicago.edu (Walter C3arlip) (02/11/89)

I am trying to help some friends with a 3Com Ethernet
network. They have had this network "running" for almost a
year with terrible problems.  The network frequently crashes
especially when a disk intensive operation is requested
(e.g., copying \apps\*.exe to nul).

Recently their disk crashed completely and they are trying
to get started with a brand new disk.  After prep'ing,
partitioning and formatting the new disk, they restored
their tape backup.  Now when they reboot, the network will
not run--after asking if they want to run as a dedicated
server, the 3+ Share software says "software not registered
properly".   The manual gives no indication what this error
is or how to get around it.  Is it some kind of protection
scheme?  Using the original disks did not help.

I would appreciate any advice. I am not an IBM-PC expert so
even obvious hints would be appreciated.  Please respond by

Walter C3arlip 				c3ar@zaphod.uchicago.edu
(the "3" is silent)			c3ar%zaphod@UCHIMVS1.bitnet

Walter C3arlip 				c3ar@zaphod.uchicago.edu
(the "3" is silent)			c3ar%zaphod@UCHIMVS1.bitnet