[net.general] Call For Papers, '86 ACM - SIGMOD

oconnor@umcp-cs.UUCP (Jim O'Connor) (09/10/85)

                     "CALL FOR PAPERS"
                    "1986 ACM - SIGMOD"

      "International Conference on Management of Data"
       "May 28-30, 1986             Washington, D.C."

The theme of this year's conference will  be  the  expanding
role  of  database  systems,  with a special emphasis on new
applications and the interaction with other  computing  dis-
ciplines.   Thus,  along  with  papers  dealing  with  well-
established areas of database technology, we  encourage  the
submission   of  original  contributions  on  the  following

   o Databases and Logic
   o Real Time and Non-Stop Database Systems
   o Object-Oriented Architectures
   o Engineering and CAD/CAM databases
   o Multimedia Databases
   o User Interfaces and Graphics
   o Performance Issues and Optimization
   o Cartographic and Pictorial databases
   o Main Memory Databases
   o Workstation based architectures of database systems
   o Management of Metadata and Knowledge

Submission Deadline: Dec. 2, 1985
Notification to Authors: Feb. 10, 1986
Final Version Due: March 10, 1986
Conference: May 28-30, 1986

"Five" copies of a complete manuscript  not  exceeding  5000
words  should  be  sent  by  December 2, 1985 to the address
listed below:
                       Carlo Zaniolo
                    9430 Research Blvd.
                    Echelon Building #1
                 Austin, Texas 78759 U.S.A.

Papers from countries outside of North America are  strongly
encouraged.  Limited  travel funds for authors may be avail-

The manuscript must  include  an  abstract  and  approproate
references.   It  is important to indicate what the original
contribution of the paper is, and to  include  a  comparison
with  relevant previous work.  Papers longer than 25 double-
spaced, typewritten pages are subject  to  immediate  rejec-
tion.   Each paper will be reviewed by three Program Commit-
tee members and judged on  the  basis  of  its  originality,
relevance,  significance  and  overall quality.  Outstanding
papers will also be considered for publication  in  the  ACM
Transactions on Database Systems.

Notification of acceptance or rejection of  papers  will  be
done  by February 10, 1986.  For inclusion in the Conference
Proceedings, the final draft of each accepted  paper,  typed
on  special  forms, must be received by the Program Chairman
by March 10, 1986.   Authors  of  accepted  papers  will  be
expected to sign a copyright release form.

Panel sessions will be an important part of the  conference.
We  solicit  proposals for these panels.  Each proposal must
include the subject matter of the panel,  the  justification
for having it, who would participate, and who would organize
it.  Proposals should be sent to Marc  Smith  at  MCC  (same
address as Zaniolo's), phone (512) 343-0860.

Nick Roussopoulos
  University of Maryland, USA

Carlo Zaniolo, MCC, USA

Serge Abiteboul, INRIA, France
Phil Bernstein, Wang Institute, USA
Alex Borgida, Rutgers University, USA
Alejandro Buchmann, National U. of Mexico
Dina Bitton, Cornell University, USA
Stefano Ceri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Stavros Christodoulakis, Waterloo U., Canada
Barbara Demo, Universita di Tornio, Italy
David DeWitt, University of Wisconsin, USA
George Gardarin, INRIA, France
Peter Gray, University of Aberdeen, U.K.
Paris Kanellakis, MIT, USA
Larry Kerschberg, U. of South Carolina, USA
Roger King, University of Colorado, USA
Kung Chen Ho, Chinese Academy of Science,
  People's Republic of China
Thomas Imielinski, Rutgers University, USA
David Lomet, Wang Institute, USA
David Maier, Oregon Graduate Center, USA
Frank Manola, Computer Corp. of America, USA
Leo Mark, University of Maryland, USA
Dennis McLeod, University of Southern CA, USA
Jean-Marie Nicolas, ECRC, W. Germany
Meral Ozsoyoglu, Case Western Reserve U., USA
Avi Silberschatz, U. of Texas, Austin, USA
Lawrence Rowe, U. of California, Berkeley, USA
Irving Traiger, IBM, USA
Shalom Tsur, MCC, USA
Yannis Vassiliou, New York University, USA
Patrick Valduriez, MCC, USA
Bea Yormark, Yormark Enterprises Inc., USA
Karel Youssefi, Tandem Computers, Inc., USA

Marc Smith, MCC, USA

Thomas Shields, SA&E, USA

Walter Truszkowski, NASA, USA

James O'Connor, System Development Corp., USA

Rafiul Ahad, University of Maryland, USA

Sham Navathe, University of Florida, USA
Jim O'Connor
UUCP:	{seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!oconnor
CSNet:	oconnor@umcp-cs		ARPA:	oconnor@maryland