[comp.sys.ibm.pc] graphics.com with star gemini-10X

grossman@bbn.com (Martin Grossman) (02/22/89)

For everyone that wants CGA graphics output to look right on a
star gemini-10x ... here is the fix:

1) debug graphics.com
2) dump from about 400 up until following is found
	1B 33 18 00 1B 3C 1B 33 24
3) change the first escape sequence from 1B 33 18 to 1B 33 10
	this is the sequence output when graphics.com decides that the
	screen has graphics on it instead of text....
	the sequence is ESC 3 X where linefeed is X/144 of an inch.
	thus the change is from 24/144 to 16/144 (ie 12/72 to 8/72)
4) do a 'w' command to write graphics.com back out to disk

PS#1 make a backup copy of graphics.com incase you flub up!

PS#2 for PCDOS 3.00 and PCDOS 3.10 byte to change is at offset 432 (HEX)

PS#3 for PCDOS 3.30 its at offset 44A (HEX)
