[net.general] Computer Show at OSU

bregar@tekcrl.UUCP (Bill Bregar) (10/02/85)

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OSU Computer Expo'85 Reminder:
Oregon State University Computer Expo'85 is set for Wednesday, Oct. 9'85.
We have signed up in total 50 organizations (35 comercial vendors and 
15 non-profit organizations). Among comercial exhibitors AT&T, Apple,IBM,
Zenith, HP, Commodore(represented by Computer Etc.), Atari(represented by
The Moore Co.), Wang, Xerox, ComputerLand, Valcom Computer Center, Computer
Store, MS Systems, Radio Shack, Videx, Tektronics, Haba Systems, .........
and many more. Among non-profit organizations most of the User's groups for
every kind of systems you can think of will be there. 
Also scheduled is a series of seminars as follows:

All that Jazz - Workshop on using Macintosh Jazz.
Speaker: Scott Jockers, ComputerLand.
Time: 9:00am.        Place: Memorial Union 105.

Artificial Intelligence.
Speaker: Don Alexander, Digital Equipment Corp.
Time: 10:00am.       Place: Memorial Union 211.

AUTOCAD - applications.
Speaker: Miles Merwin, MS Systems.
Time: 10:00am.       Place: Memorial Union 203.

Business Graphics Applications using Macintosh and HP150.
Speaker: Rick Smith, Kerr Library Software Information Center.
Time: 1:00pm.        Place: Memorial Union 203.

Comparative Overview Of PC Compatibles.
Speaker: Susan Hamill, ComputerLand.
Time: 3:00pm.        Place: Memorial Union 203.

Computer Assisted Video Instruction (CAVI).
Speaker: Bryn Cope, OPEP, Corvallis.
Time: 3:30pm.        Place: Memorial Union 105.

Expert Systems in Current Business Applications.
Speaker: Dr. Barry Shane, Business Administration, OSU.
Time: 2:00pm.        Place: Memorial Union 211.

Networking Apples, HPs, IBMs.
Speaker: Gene Banducci, NWI Corp. and Peter Raulerson, 3COM Corp.
Time: 1:00pm.        Place: Memorial Union 105.

The Six Generation of Personal Computers.
Speaker: Dr. David Sullivan, Business Administration, OSU.
Time: 11:00am.       Place: Memorial Union 105.

Well thats about all of the seminars. With all of that we top it off will
Lucky Door Prize Winners. There is a lot of good prizes available for Expo
visitors. The grand prize is a Mac 512K retail value over $2200.00. You do 
have to register at the information desk to qualify for the drawing.

Hope you all can come. I know its on a week day during your office hours
but I am sure you will qualify to take some time off to participate in the
seminars. Lots of surprise deals will be offered by the vendors from what
I hear in the streets. The show goes on from 9:00am til 7:00pm. There 
are lots of good places to eat on campus at Memorial Union or if you like 
in the downtown area. Lots of free parking spaces are available. Just 
proceed to OSU on Jefferson Street and you will be directed at the 
Jefferson entrance information booth. W'll see you at the show.
As Paul Harvey would say "And now you know the rest of the Story, Good Day"
						      OSU Computer Center.
						      Corvallis, Or 97331.
						      (503)754-3187 or
						      (503)754-2494 weekdays
						      ofcourse voice calls

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