[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Disk --> File Program ?

kwok@iris.ucdavis.edu (Conrad Kwok) (02/26/89)

I am looking for a program or programs to read a floppy disk sector by
sector and then save them in a file. The file can later be restored to
a disk with the same format such that the original disk and the
duplicated disk are indistinguishable (in term of the content they
have). This is similar to "diskcopy" except that the program creates
an intermediate file which can be manipulated by the user.

With the program(s) I decribed above, we can easily "diskcopy" any
format of floppy disk on a system with a hard disk and one floppy
disk drive.  Furthermore, we can backup disks after
compression.  This saves a lot of disk and physical spaces. 

This should not be a difficult program to write but I don't want to
reinvent the wheel if anyone have done this before. Please drop me a
message if you know where I can find such a program. Thanks in
advance. If there are sufficient interest, I shall summarize the reponses.

internet: kwok@iris.ucdavis.edu
csnet:    kwok@ucd.csnet 
csnet: 	  kwok%iris.ucdavis.edu@csnet.relay
uucp:     {ucbvax, uunet, ... }!ucdavis!iris!kwok