I currently own a Vendex Turbo-888-XT [XT compatible]. I am very satisfied with it, but I would like to get more technical information about it. Vendex prints no technical manuals at all. I have noticed that the Vendex looks INCREDIBLY similar to the Epson Apex. This leads me to believe that there is one company somewhere making the clones, and other people just stick their name on it (like the way VCR's used to be). Does anyone out there know the name of this company? Please e-mail responses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Todd Davis University of Computer Engineering Student I L L I I Familiar with I I L L L L NN NN OOO I S Apple ][,//e,//c I I L L L L I N N N O OOOII I S S IBM-PC XT I I L L II N N N O O I S S III IILL LLL LLII IINN N NNNOOOOO IISSSSSSS ARPANet: at Urbana-Champaign