I've see a rack-mount EGA monitor in the latest Heathkit Catalog. It's an industrial-grade model with a 13" color screen. Unfortunately, they don't give a price; you have to send away for their specific "Computer-Based Instruments Catalog". You can get this catalog by calling 616-982-3411 or by writing to the Heath/Zenith Computer-Based Instruments Group, Dept. 599-980, Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Todd Davis University of Computer Engineering Student I L L I I Familiar with I I L L L L NN NN OOO I S Apple ][,//e,//c I I L L L L I N N N O OOOII I S S IBM-PC XT I I L L II N N N O O I S S III IILL LLL LLII IINN N NNNOOOOO IISSSSSSS ARPANet: at Urbana-Champaign